What is your opinion of prayer?

by journey-on 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC
    This book documents proof of God, and one scientist's experience with communicating with him on a scientific level.

    I am going to save my $7, for better fairytales .


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Listen,I was a good kid. Honest, smart, loyal, decent obedient. I have been sincere and true, and all I ever got was shit! I speculate that you who seem to think you have some blessing or special relationship which comforts and aids you, have accessed a part of your brains which others are unable to.

    In a state of deep meditation they have done brain scans on monks and nuns who claim to have very spiritual experiences, in states of worship. These scans reveal certain parts of the brain function shut down, and others hightly active. These parts that are hightly active are responsible for this ultimate feeling of the divine. It is an altered state of consciousness. Some can do it. some can't. Geeze your lucky.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I am not going to talk to my self. I know no one well answer. lol lol

  • erandir

    I don't do it anymore except for any meals I share with my wife. She asks me as a favor to her to do it. She likes it when I pray, feels comforted or something. She knows I don't really believe in it anymore. Weird, huh?

  • dedpoet

    zeroday wrote

    A totally and complete waste of brain synapsis...

    Exactly how I feel about prayer.

  • funkyderek
  • eclipse

    I am not good enough to pray to a powerful being.

    I do not believe that even if there was a powerful creator /god figure,

    that he would take the time to listen to a puny human such as myself.

    Prayer is a powerful meditative tool and it's benefits have been proven.

    I say, whoever it helps, more power to you! I would never ridicule someone for praying. That is just mean spirited.

    I will probably never pray again.

  • ex-nj-jw

    No, i don't pray. I feel it's just a waste of time, it does not comfort me and I've never received any type of answer from prayer!


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions
    GQ, is now giving me the silent treatment, because of a thread in which a talented young child prodigy was giving God the credit for her talents. I stated how unfair it was that God give this one person such incredible talent and yet the unfortunate children like YOUsiff in Iraq gets his face burned off by thugs. Thats ok dear, I forgive you, and I don't even beleive in God. You don't know where I have been. Don't judge me sweetheart.

    Tyrone: Why would say that I was giving you the silent treatment when I continue to share my favourite music on your thread? I was on that thread yesterday. The post you mentioned was days ago. When I read what you had written about the child prodigy and the young boy I mentioned to you that I didn't agree with what you wrote but that it shouldn't stop us from sharing our passion for music. Unless you became hostile or disrespectful towards me I will continue to contribute to your threads.

    Sorry journey-on for hijacking your thread. These last two threads you posted are good questions. I will try to come back later tonight.

  • WTWizard

    I think it's a total waste. (Unless you are praying to collect your thoughts; often while you are praying, the right brain comes up with the answer).

    You pray for something. Either it's God's will or it isn't. If it is, then since when is He going to need you to petition you to do something He was already going to because it was His will? If not, then since when are you going to get Him to do something He absolutely refuses to do with a wimpy prayer that He can just as easily mark as SPAM?

    It's even worse doing it the Tower way. First, there is no means to express disapproval that God is not answering the prayer. You are supposed to just keep offering the same requests--since when is it anything but stupid to keep doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different outcome? And the wait is endless: Jehovah just loves to keep people waiting to milk the praise that He ultimately gets, while He is itching to lash out mercilessly when anyone breaks the format in order to expedite the answer. If anything, I will pray to Satan--at least that way I can blame Jehovah when no answer comes.

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