I'm shooting for the most petty JW-caused problem/complaint

by RisingEagle 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • RisingEagle

    Ok, here's the deal. Several years ago my brother-in-law (who is also a reformed JW fader) helped us move back to Oklahoma. While we were taking apart furniture prior to the move we were using my drill and 75 foot extension cord. When we finished, he doubled the cord length-wise and began to weave or braid the cord in a way I had never seen. I asked what he was doing and he repied, "This is how we used to reel the cords for the microphones at the KH. All you have to do is shake the cord and the knots will fall away."

    Fast forward to this afternoon. I haven't had to use the extension cord in years because Mrs. Eagle bought me a mighty fine cordless drill set for Christmas a couple of years ago. Today I decide to investigate the ductwork of 'This Old House' in the attic because the AC is just not keeping up with the heat. So, I retrieve my extension cord and safety light and try shaking the cord loose. Well, stud (muffin- per Mrs. Eagle) that I am, I shake the cord and it knocks the lamp off the endtable and breaks the bulb but thank goodness not the lamp itself. Since I cant figure out the magic shake method and I don't want to break anything else, I just start pulling on the cord. It gets its into a huge knot that took me 25 minutes to untie. I did manage to keep under control, somewhat, my temper, but I did make up some new words for JW's that will never make it into any published dictionary.

    I know it's petty and not worth the energy to type it out, but I'm left with the idea that this is just one more thing that the witlesses taught that caused me more pain than progess. <sigh>

  • beksbks

    I'm sure there must be something I can come up with, but I like your story. Sorry for your frustration, but thanks for sharing!

  • beksbks


  • watson

    I think you shook it from the wrong end.

  • flipper

    I used to hate standing in line waiting to use restrooms at assemblies, I'd always get stuck behind someone who didn't believe in godly cleanliness, namely deodorant. Also the sister who thought she was a bad imitation of Barbara Streisand singing behind me at meetings so loud in my ears, I thought my head would frigging explode. If she was in key it wouldn't have been hard to take. Some people are tone deaf! Those are a couple items for you! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Finally-Free

    My ex was filing her nails in the kingdom hall, and a MS told her to stop it. She asked him what the problem was, since she's always the one who vacuums the hall anyway. He went whining to the PO, who came to me and said my wife was unsubmissive. I told him that my wife didn't have to be submissive to every idiot with an overinflated sense of self importance. I also told him no man was to attempt to counsel my wife again, and that if they ever had cause for complaint they should come to me because I would not tolerate any man bullying my wife.


  • ex-nj-jw

    I hated overzealous clappers. You know the ones that clapped extra hard, extra long and shook their heads all the while? Yea, those - they pissed me off!


  • ness

    ex-nj-jw said:

    "I hated overzealous clappers. You know the ones that clapped extra hard, extra long and shook their heads all the while? Yea, those - they pissed me off!"

    this actually made me laugh out loud.

  • poppers

    "I told him that my wife didn't have to be submissive to every idiot with an overinflated sense of self importance. I also told him no man was to attempt to counsel my wife again, and that if they ever had cause for complaint they should come to me because I would not tolerate any man bullying my wife."

    Good for you, Finally-Free. I wish I'd been there to see his face.

  • Scully

    When I was a newlywed, a single Brotherâ„¢ who was recently baptized approached me at the KH and informed me that he thought that the V-neckline of my dress was "too revealing". Mind you, this was a dress that I had made myself, and had intentionally altered the neckline so that it wouldn't be "too revealing".

    I told him that the clothing I wore was none of his business, that it was between Mr Scully and myself. Then I suggested that we go and talk to the elders together, to determine why he was looking at my bosoms so closely. I'd never seen the colour drain from a black man's face until that incident. He never bothered me again. About anything.

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