Thanks for the replies folks. Good replies, all of you. I'll respond.
KEYSER- I get the picture your painting. Keep expanding your mind bro.
NVR- Last night I woke Mrs. Flipper up and asked, " Jeez, who passed the gas? " She said, " The dog." I said, " Oh! I thought it was NVR's demon he talked about coming to haunt us again! " LOL
SAMIAM2B- THanks for the kind words. I am bitter too like you, however I choose to dwell on positive things in life to stay focused. If you have a chance to read , " The Story of Mr. & Mrs. Flipper "you'll understand why I've felt let down by the org. and somewhat bitter. I feel for you too, we all have our stories.
KW13- Isn't it wonderful to decide for yourself which way to go ? To have that freedom ? I also think about what the witnesses will do when nothing happens, no armageddon. Will they feel lost or what?
MEMARIO- Hey bud, it's cool.I drink to the memories too sometimes