What do I do when jw wife feels down / "uninterested" in spiritial things?

by Check_Your_Premises 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Every so often, say once or twice a year, my wife gets kind of down.

    She goes through a period of inactivity in her jw duties. It usually has to do with field service. She hates field service. She is pretty good about going to the meetings even when she is down.

    My question though, is how to handle these times?

    The first time I got all excited because I thought she was ready to leave! I started pushing in that direction. She immediately withdrew from the conversation and began a six month jw marathon of zealotry. Which is fine, but it wasn't what I had in mind at the time.

    The last few times I tried to talk to her about "shoulds". SHoulds are a horrible motivator. When we whip ourselves with shoulds, we just bring ourselves down, which makes us less likely to be motivated to act in the way that we want. I try to tell her not to feel bad, this is a temporary condition, and she should not beat herself up.

    She usually then goes into a thing about how we need to feel bad when we aren't doing what we should... if she didn't feel bad then why would she change.

    Then the kids start fighting, or someone starts crying, or someone wants something, or there is something spilled on the carpet... then she cuts off the conversation with a "I'm fine don't worry about it." Then I just spend the rest of the night hugging her and distracting her... trying not to soothe... but also trying not to seem like a bad influence.

    I just think there is a better way for me to handle these times. What is the right thing to say to a jw when they are like this. Ultimately I hope she would see that her religion has made faith a BURDEN. At a minimum I would like her to accept that she will go through these times, and not fear that such times will lead to spiritual free fall... and not to loathe herself so much for experiencing these times.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Ultimately I hope she would see that her religion has made faith a BURDEN.

    Can you find a subtle way to get this message across? As I recall, you attend a different church now. Can you weave in a scriptural ref to Jesus making our load light somehow without being accusatory in so doing? Perhaps adding that there is no need to feel guilt about inactivity, since it is not about works from the standpoint of Jesus? Anyway you get the point. Somehow make her feel comfortable with her malaize. Perhaps the periods of inactivity will grow longer and more frequent.

    Long time no see here CYP. Hope all is generally well with you. We need to do the brew-pub thing sometime again.


  • Dragonlady76

    I am not sure what to say, but if I were you I would be there for her, show concern and love, take her out to dinner if she feels down and give her a some time off from household chores.

  • nvrgnbk

    Take her away for the weekend.

    Change of scenery is always good.

  • mrsjones5

    I agree with the above, get the woman out the house and do something fun.

  • vitty

    Unfortunately, this is what generally happens. It can start a few months after baptism or a couple of years but the enthusiasm and joy or your new found beliefs start to crumble. Its because its all a facade !!

    At first all you can think about is the new system and living forever in paradise, then you realize pretty quick what you have to pay to get it................yes, the dreaded FS. As she is in a divided home it is soooooooooooo difficult. All you can do is ask her if shes happy being a JW and if not why not ??? She wont admit it to you but she may start to admit it to herself.

    I feel so sorry for her (and you) but I know what shes going through. Her drive is most properly saving the kids from the big A and getting you in the org.

  • Hermano

    Dont attack or even mention anything about religion. Show her a good time. Take her out. Distract her mind. Make her happy. Let her see for herself where the sadness is coming from. It will take time, but she will realize it. I did.

  • sweetstuff

    I agree with the other posters. Take her out, do something she would never do with her "brothers and sisters". Maybe dancing at a nice club if she's open to that. I would very carefully afterward, tell her how much you loved seeing her happy and having fun, and why doesn't her faith make her feel that kind of joy? But tread lightly, make sure the question is not an attack on her faith, but rather a question intended to make her think. Best of luck!

  • Hortensia

    I would say, stop trying to fix her and let her be. Men always want to fix things. Let her work it through on her own without any comment from you. Maybe substitute one worthwhile activity for another - something that she feels needs to be done, so she won't be wasting time while not in service. Clean the garage, take the kids out somewhere fun/educational, sort out the files, etc. So at the end of the day she can feel productive, not guilty, and you haven't said a word about how she feels or why she isn't going in service, or how bad the religion is.

  • worldtraveller

    Could be some menopause issues in the mix. My wife has some depression going on (for many years) and I had to learn that it wasn't my fault. I felt guilty that somehow I contributed to it. These days I quietly observe to make sure there is little harm going on and always help around the house. I seldome offer suggestions because I am not a doctor, but if I ever saw any effort to make a real change, I would be supporting her fully. She has become somewhat of a shopaholic, so I avoid temptation by going places with little to buy. In your case, if the problem is being a jw, then taking her to places that are truly fun, and showing her how real people live, maybe it might catch on that you don't have to buy your way to the pearly gates. Be patient, and good luck.

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