So after marrying a good jw girl at 18 who was an elders daughter (married at 18 like most jw kids). She was leaving for weeks (6-8) at a time to "visit" her parents in the same state(3 hours away). I finally had enough of it and told her it was over. Then that next week her dad, mom, and her came while I was at work and trashed my home, stole all my belongings and left a butcher knife though a stuffed animal. Oh yeah and they left a bag of cat Sh*!@ gift wrapped with a note saying thats what our 5 years of marriage meant. Wow now thats a good elder! I hope after they did that they were able to place lots of magazines and a couple books and for sure they got over the 10 hour a month quota door knockin.
Then I found out that she got "talked to" not df'd for sleeping with another brother while she was there. And then she was remarried 2 weeks after our divorce was final. And on top of that she was bi-sexual and had messed around with another sister, which also led to the divorce since she didn't love me anymore because she didn't know if she liked woman or men or both.
I sam just wondering what other crazy insane things have happend during divorces?