A circuit overseer, Jarome Sexton, MA circuit #4 is telling the congregations "the brothers were at ground zero", reading scriptures to firefighters and military personal and they would cry as they heard the words. "As people ran across the bridge what did they see ' Read Gods Word Daily' ". So what! The dam doors were locked!
I thought it was already established no non rescue personal were allowed on site at ground zero.
Under those conditions you could tell the toughest person on the planet a frog had been run over in Wisconsin, and a normal response would be to get emotional.
I'm in NY often and ask, out of curiosity, to many different people, "what is that building with the clock on top?"( pointing to the WT factory bldg.) Most people have simple answers and find it insignificant in their daily routine.
I wonder if this c.o. , being a representative of the WT is speaking on his own or from outlines from the WT? Every JW that hears it will believe it because this man, a "c.o." has spoken it, any thing else is apostate.
The propaganda machine appears to be in high gear cranking out salve stories for the r&f, and what else would you expect from the great "Whore" riding on the "Beast".