What kind of apology would you like to hear from your parents?
I'll start:
We are sorry that we were narcissistic wannabe misionaries and that by "putting the kingdom first" we were really putting our personal goals first and never once factored you into the equation.
We are sorry that we saw you as an extension of ourselves and never saw the unique individual that you really are.
We are sorry for the emotional harm we caused you by disciplining you in harshness while at the same time advocating to others that discipline was a form of love.
We are sorry that we were so concerned with our position in the congregation that we expected you to behave, act and dress in a way that did not endanger that position.
We are sorry that we never really knew you because we never took the time to really "see".
Go ahead people, tell us what you would like to hear. Chances are you'll never hear it from your parents, but it feels good to let it out.