Jesus is bisexual according to the watchtower!

by 5go 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 5go

    It just hit me 144,000 are married to the Jesus Christ yet it is made of men and women all kings. So really he is technically gay.

    So then why are the witnesses for not for gay marriage?

  • Anti-Christ

    Good one!

    So then why are the witnesses for not for gay marriage

    If they are "spiritually married" I guess it would be ok

  • 5go
    So then why are the witnesses for not for gay marriage?

    I hate to I agree with the watchtower on gay mariage in fact I want to take it a step futher. Let's ban all marriage. Why should my tax dollars be waisted to keep track of family lines. If you want to live together and screw it's none of my bussiness,and who you do that with isn't either.

  • sweetstuff

    Not shocking really, always thought Paul was as gay as gay gets. Can we say woman hater??

  • LongHairGal


    I am not sure I agree with you about the Apostle Paul. He may have been very attracted to women and maybe couldn't control himself. However, I do agree he did have some serious issues about women which the idiots in this religion with their shit encrusted brains have used to justify their anti-woman stance in all the stupid articles they print.


  • Finally-Free
    shit encrusted brains

    I'm shocked that I didn't think of that.


  • steve2

    Well, Jesus did tell Satan to get behind him, didn't he?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm suspicious of Paul being a womyn hater, too, but I think you have to look at the culture of that time. It was against Pharisaical law for men to talk to womyn in public. She had to walk very quietly behind the man, too. Imagine if non-believing or new in the faith men saw a womyn at the podium. The new religion would not have stood a chance. But, why couldn't the Bible eventually have made a revised policy on the treatment of womyn when the narrow minded men got used to them being involved in the congregation? Because Christianity itself is womyn hating and has perpetuated the stone-aged belief that womyn are inferior to men for thousands of years. It's a power thing. There is an imbalance when one is perceived and treated as less than the other. All things in life and nature must balance or they will fall apart, eventually. Violation of homeostasis results in sickness physically and socially.

    Not a man hater, a lover of all, Chenoa:)

  • saywhat29

    Steve2 you are so bad.

    But yeah every time I see Jesus pictured in the WT, I always say that he is getting hotter and hotter. Like maybe he's working out, seriously look at him in the past and now. total fox.

    I'd hit it.

  • nvrgnbk

    Jesus has long been linked with homoeroticism.

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