They can try, but it would be as ineffective as all of their other "bans". They would just force the average JW to be more deceptive about his daily activities, that's all.
by lfcviking 29 Replies latest jw friends
They can try, but it would be as ineffective as all of their other "bans". They would just force the average JW to be more deceptive about his daily activities, that's all.
They'd love to but until something gives them a good reason they are stuck.
Ban the Internet? No, they'll never do that.
They'll just continue to demonize it so much that any JW who isn't already connected or understands the Internet will be afraid to go online, even to look up a recipe for a sugar-free dessert for the sickly CO's wife.
Even demonizing it won't work on the already wired community of dubs. Those who rely on it for work or communication may take heed to avoid certain aspects of it, but will not grow afraid of it. To the older dubs and those who may not be familiar with it, they'll avoid it and will judge their "radical" brothers and sisters who insist on using it.
And the Society will be fine with that. Those that use the Interent either know the boundries or if they stray, will probably eventually leave. Those that are afraid will never see the damning evidence the WTS doesn't want them to see. Remember, the Society isn't recruiting or raising intellectuals. They want to keep a dumbed-down class of followers.
Recruitment is way down, so they're relying on least in developed countries. And they are breeding an uneducated group of followers. People they can manipulate and control. Banning things only serves to make people sit up and notice. Cloaking undesirable things in a veil of demonism or propaganda keeps the working class duped and satisfied.
Did they ban television or music or movies? No, they can't be taken seriously if they did.
I would love to see such a ban in my family's case. My wife uses the internet extensively
in connection with work. She would never give it up, even for the dubs. She would know
that it's going beyond what is written.
Everything is available without the internet. It would just be hard to find it, so that's what
makes it so dangerous. A ban would make kids check it out even more than now.
WTS would die off within a generation for taking such a rigid position.
I agree with this comment by undercover.....
They'll just continue to demonize it so much that any JW who isn't already connected or understands the Internet will be afraid to go online, even to look up a recipe for a sugar-free dessert for the sickly CO's wife.
I think this will be the case as time goes one. There will continue to be more conscience-pounding against the Dubs to the point that many will think..."well gee, what's the point of me even using the internet?!"
I think that's what the WTS wants, but as far as them outright banning the internet.....Nahhhh, that will never happen.
Hmmmmm some very interesting thoughts here.......much appreciated everybody.
Well, they've already "banned" independent thinking, haven't they? As with many of their ridiculously reactive policies, the only remaining question is how they'll police them.
I could see them going the Scientology route, and bundling a "Faithful and Discreet Slave"-approved browser with the next CD. They could easily blacklist words like Franz, Sarim, Freeminds, Anderson, Haszard, Blizard, Penton, 587, Jaracz, Rutherford, JWD, Pedophiles, etc...
Edit: Ohh, you know what would be worse? If they made you register your name and congregation for the browser, and then, if you searched for the forbidden stuff, they send an email to Brooklyn with your detailed info!!!
Oh man. I bet the GB just love to do that.
I think its far more likely they will emphasize monitoring each other on the net. Pushing parents and spouses to snoop on what their loved ones are doing online and report it to the elders. That way they can strike terror into the j dubs by d'fing people caught looking at ex jw sites and porn etc.
I agree with sweetstuff, they will have family and friends "police" others. The r&f will be afraid of being turned into the elders, just like now. Your wife/husband anyone will turn you in if are suspected of "wrong doing'.
What they have alrerady said in the Sept KM is enough for the more devout (and ignorant) to take as a ban on the internet.
If they go any farther they risk losing the more "enlightened" still in their fold.
Frankly, I'm surprised they came this far. I think they will feel a pinch after the KM is distributed and discussed.