I've been trying to figure this one out for awhile now, it's something I have let go and dealt with but I do have some questions regarding it now.
When I was seven, I had an older JW female cousin who was thirteen who forced me into sexual activities. She used threat of bodily harm as her way of forcing this. It carried on for a year, until we moved away. For many years I felt really messed up over the experience and did not tell anyone until therapy many years later, in fact for many years it was virtually buried, but still there. But like I said, I dealt with it and came to a place of forgiving her, even though I still wanted no contact.
This cousin also forced my younger sister who was five into sexual activities, which I did not find out about until we were both adult women. No one talked about it. As well she instigated sexual activity with her much younger brothers who were five and four at the time.
This girl had also been abused by her pervert/pig stepfather, whom I knew even as a small child was a pervert, although I didnt know the word then or context, I just didnt like him, and kept my distance.
Now, my thoughts are, was she a victim acting out her abuse on others, or would she be considered a predator by the law and societies viewpoints. Even I can't define her behavior. And I do have very strong feelings against sexual predators and pedophiles.
This girl left home quite young, about 15, and went really wild.. settled down later in life and had a family. I never did seek contact with her due to my experiences, although I have forgiven her in my mind now.
I'de really like to hear some thoughts on this.. although the experience for me was long ago dealt with, and I no longer feel shameful or guilt over it, I do queery her part in it.
I think to myself now, if this was my child, I would have gotten her therapy for her behaviours as well as the abuse she experienced, but this was never done as far as I know. It was just kept a big family secret, no one telling anyone their experiences or sharing.
Her mother, my aunt stayed married to the pig for many years too.. up until I was in my late 20's.. he was finally disfellowshiped for homosexual activities. My aunt finally divorced him at this point. It makes me wonder who else was abused in that home, although I have no contact with the two male cousins and younger female cousin. The youngest girl, who is close to 30 now, I have just recently heard, was always such a sweet girl, but just recently went totally wild, left her husband and children, and is living a hard life.
Who does one blame for all this.. I am wondering at this moment.. so much sickness in that religion. I could share more stories of other branches of the family.. children abused.. it goes on and on.. and all associates of the church. I am digressing now.. but would like thoughts on the 13 year old abuser.