Interesting tidbit from a bethalite

by Princess Daisy Boo 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sweetstuff

    Sigh, dreams of elders wives on the branch committee, oh boy, wouldn't that be fun for the good ole boys club??

    An Ode to Bethel:

    I wish I wish with all my might,

    that new york bethel would lose such a fight,

    women in power at the top of the rung,

    the bitching and whining of the brooklyn boys has only begun.

    Oh yeah, I would PAY to see that!

  • changeling

    Yipee for South Africa!!!!


  • willyloman

    The WTBTS might want to take stock of its entire inventory, both human and material. There appear to have been some significant losses in recent years.

  • Hortensia

    oh how I would love for them to have to pay minimum wage and disability and worker's comp and unemployment insurance and all the rest of the stuff I pay for people who work for me. They are running a sweat shop and it is stunning that they get away with it. If they were sewing clothing instead of printing books they'd have been busted long ago.

  • RedPill2006

    Yep! I was hoping she would say Brooklyn...... important blow, nevertheless! South Africa is THE mayor Branch for Africa (construction wise AND printing). Since lots of growth nowadays comes from Third World countries, they can't afford 'this shit' on the most "productive" branches.

    Keep us updated! (If they win> See, see....we have the blessings. If they loose>How sad, the world is turning against us.....first France, those petty franchutes want to take 35 Million Dollars of our hard earned ripped off money.....bad, bad worldly people! This isn't a business.....they just don't get it, ITS A RELIGION.

    The same as going to an hospital and they're telling you: "It's an Hotel!" Can't you see it?

  • OnTheWayOut
    Can you say "when pigs fly"????

    Yeah, my opinion- they would pull the Bethel out of the country before they
    conform to such laws. Let's hope they lose. Also, hope no nearby country
    wants them without similar rules.

  • lawrence

    Great news! I'll be praying for a favorable outcome - get those sisters out of the laundry and on to committees.

  • nvrgnbk

    That ship is sinking.

  • OnTheWayOut
    That ship is sinking.

    The irony:

    A very legalistic and litigious organization might be brought down
    by the courts and litigious society around them.

  • betterdaze

    Princess Daisy Boo, may I ask, who/what specifically is bringing the Watchtower to court in this case?

    And what type of court? I don't doubt your Bethelite sister's report, just curious about who or what's bringing charges against them, and at what level.

    Thanks in advance,


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