Um, Tyrone, I wasn't thinking about my mother's feet.
As a JW, Did You Exhibit An Attitude of Superiority???
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Tyrone van leyen
Oh I see. It all makes sense now. You don't wash the male chickens feet because they usually get removed and arn't eaten. Well, I got good news minimus. You don't have to wash a hens feet either. They are usually just for laying eggs.
I didn't (maybe cuz I never got baptised) but my mother does
The male chickens?? Are they related to the females roosters?? Cock-a-doodle-do.
Tyrone van leyen
I hope your not getting any ideas minumus. I mean I know the witnesses was rough and all, but its better to stay within the species.
Tyrone van leyen
See, now you did it. You're bringing the smart ass out of me. "Bad associations" they used to tell me at the hall.
I don't mean to sound superior NOW, but I never did that (act superior) and did not tolerate it as a rule. I knew how hard it was for me to make it to the meetings and out in service. I felt sorry for anyone who seemed weak or had issues and I reached out and tried to help in any way I could. Sometimes the only way I could was by being kind and encouraging.
It pissed me off when someone made rude comments about poor attendance etc. to anyone and I would point out that not everyone had a spouse or family in the truth and that some sisters had to work including me. I defended the underdog every chance I got regardless of who was being arrogant or unkind.
Now that I got that out I will say that we were trained as JW's to be superior and I don't blame anyone for doing what we were brainwashed to do. I just hated it and put a stop to it if it happened around me.
Did that sound rude ? I am not having a good day.
Most JWs believe that THEY are better, superior to others. They're ingrained with the belief that they are smarter, wiser and know more than educated ones......Sometimes, those traits don't just go away with exjws.
No, that is one reason I could never advance to elder. Was not arrogant enough or self promoting enough. Didn't feel the need. Wanted to be normal, like everybody else. I view everyone on the same level, that's why I did not fit in with that organization
Witness 007
As a pioneer I thought I was a legend in my own life time...Although I was young as well. Most people though I was a "nice guy." But I liked to humiliate non-believers, who would argue with me...we even wen't Pastor bashing...looking for one we knew would argue. And dazzle them with "truth."
A couple of Pioneer sisters that I wish would die...they all had over 15 years in the field, and still back stabbing bitches.