Comments You Won't Hear at the 9/2/07 WT Study (WALKING BY SPIRIT)

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  • WT Comments
    WT Comments

    Comments You Won't Hear at the 9/2/07 WT Study (WALKING BY SPIRIT)
    (WT 7/15/07 pages 21-25)

    Review comments will be in red
    WT material from the study WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in black italics
    AW = Awake! magazine
    GB = Governing Body, small group of men that control JW doctrine
    KH = Kingdom Hall, JW meeting place
    JW = Jehovah's Witnesses
    WT = Watchtower magazine
    WTS = "Watchtower Society", the organization directing JWs worldwide

    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations


    WT "owns" qualities, redefines for productivity...

    What does spiritual mean? Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material.

    How "spiritual" are JWs you know? JWs are a religion of works; non-tangible experiences are called "spiritism".

    Both the words "spiritual" (more than 10 hours of service a month) and "spiritistic" (related to demons) are redefined in the WTS. Did you know that words are synonymous?

    As a JW, probably not.

    Watch out for the logical fallacies, here they come!

    "Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. "-GALATIANS 5:16.

    Q1) How can anxiety about sinning against the spirit be dispelled?
    1) There is a way to dispel anxiety about sinning against Jehovah's holy spirit. It is by doing what the apostle Paul said: "Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all." (Galatians 5:16) If we let God's spirit guide us, we will not be overcome by improper fleshly desires.-Romans 8:2-10.

    Q2, 3) If we keep walking by spirit, how will we be affected?
    2) As we "keep walking by spirit," God's active force will motivate us to obey Jehovah. We will display godly qualities in our ministry, in the congregation, at home, and elsewhere. The spirit's fruitage will be evident in our dealings with our marriage mate, our children, our fellow believers, and others.

    3) Living "as to the spirit from the standpoint of God" enables us to desist from sin. (1 Peter 4:1-6) If we are under the spirit's influence, we will certainly not commit an unforgivable sin. But in what other fine ways will we be affected if we keep on walking by spirit?

    We begin a study on the "fruitages of the spirit" with anxiety and unforgivable sin. Fear comes first, just like all public talk outlines.

    First three paragraphs are a recap of last weeks lesson, is the FDS afraid that someone missed last week's study?

    Remain Close to God and Christ
    Q4, 5) How does walking by spirit affect our view of Jesus?

    4) Because we walk by holy spirit, we are able to maintain a close relationship with God and his Son. Writing about spiritual gifts, Paul told fellow believers in Corinth: "I would have you [former idolaters] know that nobody when speaking by God's spirit says: 'Jesus is accursed!' and nobody can say: `Jesus is Lord!' except by holy spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:1-3) Any spirit that moves people to pronounce a curse upon Jesus must originate with Satan the Devil. As Christians walking by holy spirit, though, we are convinced that Jehovah raised Jesus from the dead and made him higher than all other creation. (Philippians 2:5-11) We have faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and accept Jesus as the Lord appointed over us by God.

    Any spirit that moves people to pronounce a curse upon Jesus must originate with Satan the Devil...Logical Fallacy: Non-Support, False Dilemma
    As Christians walking by holy spirit, though, we are convinced that...Logical Fallacy: Composition

    ...nobody can say: `Jesus is Lord!' except by holy spirit...

    Funny, I hear this from every other Christian group except JWs.

    How many times have WTS publications used this phrase without quoting the scripture? NONE is the last 50 years. Last use was in 1954:

    WT 1954 1/1 p. 18 par. 21 Keeping a Clean Organization of Talkers
    Jesus' faithful followers have testified and will confess, or talk to others to the effect that Jesus is Lord "to the glory of God the Father."

    In fact Jesus is curiously diminished in most WT articles. Say "Jesus is Lord!" at your WT study and see how people react...

    5) Certain professed Christians of the first century C.E. denied that Jesus came in the flesh. (2 John 7-11) Accepting that false viewpoint caused some to repudiate the true teachings about Jesus, the Messiah. (Mark 1: 9-11; John 1:1,14) Walking by holy spirit prevents us from succumbing to such apostasy. But only by remaining spiritually vigilant can we continue to enjoy Jehovah's undeserved kindness and "go on walking in the truth." (3 John 3, 4) Let us therefore be determined to reject all apostasy so that we can maintain a strong relationship with our heavenly Father.

    WT Logic: Some rejected Christ in first century = walking by HS stops apostasy = reject ALL apostasy to have relationship with God.
    Translation: Do not question WTS if you want to God to hear your prayers.

    ...spiritually vigilant... study only JW publications and ignore negative news about WTS organization.
    Q6) What qualities does God's spirit produce in those walking by spirit?

    6) Paul listed apostate idolatry and sects among such "works of the flesh" as fornication and loose conduct. But he explained: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires. If we are living by spirit, let us go on walking orderly also by spirit." (Galatians 5:19-21, 24, 25) What qualities does God's active force produce in those who live and walk by spirit? "The fruitage of the spirit," wrote Paul, "is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22, 23) Let us consider these aspects of the spirit's fruitage.

    Let us consider these aspects of the spirit's light of the recent child abuse settlements by the WTS.

    "Be Loving One Another"

    Q7) What is love, and what are some of its characteristics?

    7) Love--one aspect of the spirit's fruitage--often involves strong affection and unselfish concern for others, coupled with warm attachment to them. The Scriptures say that "God is love" because he is the very epitome of that quality. The great love of God and his Son for mankind is exemplified in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (1 John 4:8; John 3:16; 15:13; Romans 5:8) As Jesus' followers, we are identified by the love we have for one another. (John 13:34, 35) In fact, we are commanded to "be loving one another." (1 John 3:23) And Paul says that love is long-suffering and kind. It is not jealous, and it does not brag, behave indecently, or look for its own interests. Love does not become provoked or keep account of the injury. It rejoices with the truth, not over unrighteousness. Love bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. Moreover, it never fails.-1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

    As Jesus' followers, we are identified by the love we have for one another...SET UP that love applies to fellow worshippers primarily

    "God is love" because he is the very epitome of that quality...Conditional love according to JWs. Discuss amongst yourselves...

    IT-2 p. 278 Love: Love is held back only from those whom Jehovah shows are unworthy of it

    Q8) Why should we show love for fellow worshippers of Jehovah?

    8) If we allow God's spirit to produce love within us, that quality will exist in our relationships with God and neighbor. (Matthew 22:37-39) "He who does not love remains in death," wrote the apostle John. "Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him." (1 John 3:14, 15) A manslayer could find safety in an Israelite city of refuge only if he did not hate the one slain. (Deuteronomy 19:4, 11-13) If we are led by holy spirit, we will show love for God, fellow worshippers, and others. for God, fellow worshippers, and others...There is your hierarchy of affection, with 'others' getting the love of recruiting.
    How was love shown for the victims of JW sexual abuse in the courtroom? Hush money does not count as love. Has love for JW children moved the WTS to change their disclosure and reporting procedures? Has love reversed the disfellowshippings of those who blew the whistle on the WTS?
    "The Joy of Jehovah Is Your Stronghold"

    Q9, 10) What is joy, and what are some reasons to be joyful?

    9) Joy is a state of great happiness. Jehovah is "the happy God." (1 Timothy 1:11; Psalm 104:31) The Son delights to do his Father's will. (Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 10:7-9) And "the joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold."-Nehemiah 8:10.

    10) God-given joy brings us deep satisfaction when we do the divine will even in times of hardship, sorrow, or persecution. What happiness "the very knowledge of God" brings us! (Proverbs 2:1-5) Our joyous relationship with God is based on accurate knowledge and faith in him and in Jesus' ransom sacrifice. (1 John 2:1, 2) Being part of the only true international brotherhood is another source of joy. (Zephaniah 3:9; Haggai 2:7) Our Kingdom hope and the grand privilege of declaring the good news make us joyful. (Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14) So does the prospect of everlasting life. (John 17:3) Since we have such a grand hope, we should be "nothing but joyful."-Deuteronomy 16:15.

    ENTIRE PARAGRAPH Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

    Are you, were you joyous as a JW?
    Our joyous relationship with God...twice removed: Jesus channels to FDS who mediates to great crowd. Is God just a rumor to JWs?

    Being part of the only true international brotherhood...can you name another international organization? Don't trip over "only true" and man-centric "brotherhood" while you are at it.
    ...we should be "nothing but joyful."...keyword "should". So many JWs are crutching on anti-depressants and finding "spiritual paradise" in the bottom of a bottle. Should JWs have attendants holding signs "BE JOYFUL"? Maybe that would help.
    Another cause for joy?

    The Times 8-23-2007
    A leading Jehovah's Witness who was branded an "evil monster" by his own sister was spared prison today, despite being convicted of 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on children - one of which was committed on an 18-month-old baby.

    Mr Porter's current Jehovah's Witness Church has stood by him despite confessing to his crimes, according to his sister. He is thought to be an elder at the Mill Hill Kingdom Hall, in Barnet, north London. Full story

    Be Peaceable and Long-Suffering

    Q11, 12) (a) How would you define peace? (b) What effect does godly peace have on us?

    11) Peace--another aspect of the spirit's fruitage--is a state of tranquillity and freedom from disturbance. Our heavenly Father is the God of peace, and we are given the assurance: "Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace." (Psalm 29:11; 1 Corinthians 14:33) Jesus told his disciples: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace." (John 14:27) How would that help his followers?

    12) The peace that Jesus gave his disciples calmed their hearts and minds and allayed their fears. Especially did they have peace when they received the promised holy spirit. (John 14:26) Under the spirit's influence and in answer to our prayers today, we enjoy the incomparable "peace of God," which puts our heart and mind at rest. (Philippians 4: 6, 7) Moreover, Jehovah's spirit helps us to be calm and peaceable with fellow believers and others.-Romans 12:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:13.

    I wonder if families victimized by JW pedophiles can learn from Jackie?

    WT 2000 6/1 p. 30 Where Can You Turn for Good Advice?

    Jackie, after learning of the sexual abuse of her daughter, acknowledges: "The feeling of guilt at being powerless to protect one's child is beyond words. I have had to fight feelings of bitterness, resentment, and anger. These feelings were beginning to poison my life. I desperately needed Jehovah to guard my heart." After reading and rereading Philippians 4:6, 7, she worked hard to apply its counsel. "I pray every day, repeatedly asking that I not let myself be destroyed by negative feelings, and Jehovah has helped me to develop a calm and happy heart. I truly feel peace within myself," Jackie relates.

    Q13, 14) What is long-suffering, and why should we display it?
    13) Long-suffering is related to peaceableness, for it is our patient endurance of provocation or wrong in hopes of improvement in the situation. God is long-suffering. (Romans 9:22-24) Jesus also manifests this quality. We can be recipients of it, for Paul wrote: "The reason why I was shown mercy was that by means of me as the foremost case Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his long-suffering for a sample of those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life."-1 Timothy 1:16.

    And if the victims suffer long enough, could the pedophile return to authority? Only if few know. What a pedophile paradise:

    WTS Letter to Elders 7/20/1998:
    "Those who are appointed to privileges of service, such as elders and ministerial servants, are put in a position of trust. considerations must also be weighed along with the degree of notoriety, the extent of the misconduct, how many years ago the sin occurred, and how the brother is now viewed by the congregation and people in the community including those he victimized."

    14) The quality of long-suffering helps us to endure when others say or do unkind or thoughtless things. Paul urged fellow Christians: "Be long-suffering toward all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14) Since all of us are imperfect and make mistakes, surely we want people to be patient with us, to be long-suffering when we err in our dealings with them. Let us therefore make it a point to "be long-suffering with joy."-Colossians 1:9-12.

    We want people to be patient with us, to be long-suffering when we err in our dealings with them...Is this a personal plea from the FDS? What will it take for there to be a public apology?
    Picture on page 23: Jehovah's holy spirit promotes love for our fellow believers (Two JW men greet each other at a KH building project)

    Display Kindness and Goodness
    Q15) Define kindness, and cite examples of it.

    15) Kindness is displayed when we show interest in others by means of friendly and helpful words and acts. Jehovah is kind, and so is his Son. (Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 10:1) Kindness is expected of servants of God and Christ. (Micah 6:8; Colossians 3:12) Even some lacking a personal relationship with God have shown "extraordinary human kindness." (Acts 27:3; 28:2) Surely, then, we can display kindness if we "keep walking by spirit."

    Even some lacking a personal relationship with God have shown "extraordinary human kindness." Translation: Non-JWs can be good people...shocking.
    Q16) What are some circumstances that should move us to show kindness?
    16) Kindness can be shown even if we have justifiably become angry because of someone's hurtful words or inconsiderate actions. "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin," said Paul. "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil.... Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you." (Ephesians 4:26, 27, 32) It is especially fitting to display kindness toward those experiencing trials. Of course, a Christian elder would not be showing kindness if he failed to give Scriptural counsel just to avoid hurting the feelings of someone clearly in danger of abandoning the course of "goodness and righteousness and truth."-Ephesians 5:9.

    It is especially fitting to display kindness toward those experiencing trials... Oh the irony, its killing me.

    A woman who won $5,000 in damages after accusing the Canadian wing of the Jehovah's Witnesses of negligence over their handling of sexual abuse has been ordered to pay the group $142,000 to cover its legal costs. (Referring to Vicki Boer, source)

    Q17, 18) How is goodness defined, and what role should this quality play in our life?
    17) Goodness is virtue, moral excellence, or the quality or state of being good. God is good in the absolute sense. (Psalm 25:8; Zechariah 9:17) Jesus is virtuous and has the quality of moral excellence. Yet, he would not accept "Good" as a title when he was called "Good Teacher." (Mark 10:17, 18) This was evidently because he recognized God as the pinnacle of goodness.

    18) Our ability to do good is hindered because of inherited sin. (Romans 5:12) Nevertheless, we can display this quality if we pray that God `teach us goodness.' (Psalm 119:66) Paul told fellow believers in Rome: "I myself also am persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are also full of goodness, as you have been filled with all knowledge." (Romans 15:14) A Christian overseer must be "a lover of goodness." (Titus 1:7, 8) If we are led by God's spirit, we will become known for goodness, and Jehovah will `remember us for the good we do.'-Nehemiah 5:19; 13:31.

    If we are led by God's spirit, we will become known for goodness...Are JWs known for the good they do outside their group? Disaster relief is almost completely for JWs only, with recruiting is the "goodness" reserved for non-JWs.

    When Hurricane Andrew devastated a Florida, U.S.A., community in 1992, Jehovah's Witnesses quickly organized themselves to deal with the situation. "About 3,000 Witness volunteers from across the country have converged on the disaster area, first to help their own, then to help others" Source

    Picture on page 24: Show kindness through helpful words and deeds (Father carrying tool box, mother and young daughter carrying gift bags, greeted by elderly woman at her door.)

    "Faith Without Hypocrisy"
    Q19) Define faith, in keeping with Hebrews 11:1.

    19) Faith--also part of the spirit's fruitage--"is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." (Hebrews 11:1) If we have faith, we are certain that everything Jehovah promises is as good as done. The convincing evidence of unseen realities is so strong that faith is said to be equivalent to that evidence. For instance, the existence of created things convinces us that there is a Creator. That is the kind of faith we will display if we keep walking by spirit.

    The convincing evidence of unseen realities is so strong that faith is said to be equivalent to that evidence.Logical Fallicy: Were do I start? Circular Reasoning, Post Hoc, Reification

    For instance, the existence of CREATED things convinces us that there is a Creator.My brain is really hurting here.Logical Fallicy: Circular Reasoning

    Q20) What is "the sin that easily entangles us," and how can we avoid it and the works of the flesh?
    20) Lack of faith is "the sin that easily entangles us." (Hebrews 12:1) We need to rely on God's spirit in order to avoid works of the flesh, materialism, and false teachings that can destroy faith. (Colossians 2:8; 1 Timothy 6:9, 10; 2 Timothy 4:3-5) God's spirit produces in Jehovah's present-day servants faith like that of pre-Christian witnesses and others of Bible record. (Hebrews 11:2-40) And our own "faith without hypocrisy" may well bolster the faith of others.-1 Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 13:7.

    "faith without hypocrisy"...

    AW 1997 4/8 p. 15 Sexual Exploitation of Children--A Worldwide Problem
    God will cleanse the earth and usher in a completely new and just system of things, "new heavens and a new earth." (2 Peter 3:13) Then, in that new world of his making, corrupt, perverted people will never again take advantage of innocent ones. And never again will the innocent have to fear being victimized, for "there will be no one making them tremble."-Micah 4:4.

    Exhibit Mildness and Self-Control
    Q21, 22) How is mildness defined, and why should we display it?
    21) Mildness is gentleness in temperament and behavior. One of God's attributes is mildness of temper. We know this because Jesus, who was a mild-tempered man, perfectly reflected Jehovah's personality. (Matthew 11:28-30; John 1:18; 5:19) What, then, is required of us as God's servants?

    One of God's attributes is mildness of temper.Logical Fallacy: Half-Truth.
    What happens to a bunch of Levites who accidentally see the ark return from Philistines who, by the bye, are still suffering from a case of devine hemorrhoids?

    (1 Samuel 6:19) And he went striking down the men of Beth-she'mesh, because they had looked upon the ark of Jehovah. So he struck down among the people seventy men--fifty thousand men--and the people began mourning because Jehovah had struck down the people with a great slaughter.

    Good times...

    22) As Christians, we are expected to `exhibit mildness toward all men.' (Titus 3:2) We display mildness in our ministry. Those with spiritual qualifications are counseled to readjust an erring Christian "in a spirit of mildness." (Galatians 6:1) All of us can contribute to Christian unity and peace by displaying "lowliness of mind and mildness." (Ephesians 4:1-3) We can exhibit mildness if we consistently walk by spirit and exercise self-control.

    23) Self-control enables us to keep our thoughts, speech, and actions in check. Jehovah "kept exercising self-control" in dealing with the Babylonian desolaters of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 42:14) His Son `left us a model' by exercising self-control during his sufferings. And the apostle Peter counseled fellow Christians to `supply to their knowledge self-control.'-1 Peter 2:21-23; 2 Peter 1:5-8.

    Did you know 'mildness' is part if the rationale for holding star-chamber style "judicial committee"?

    The Courier-Journal/July 27, 2002
    Bill Bowen of Benton, Ky., says he will file an appeal Monday of a decision by three church elders to ''disfellowship'' him on charges of ''causing divisions.'' Bowen said he was notified Thursday of the action after the elders met without him the previous evening. If the excommunication is upheld by a separate three-elder appeals panel, Bowen would become the fourth person expelled this year from the church after criticizing policies on child molesters. The church denies such criticisms.

    Jeff Steen, one of the elders who Bowen says decided to disfellowship him, would not confirm or deny the elders' action, saying church discipline is conducted confidentially in ''a spirt of mildness, not confrontation.''Source

    Q23, 24) What is self-control, and how does it help us?

    24) Christian elders are expected to be self-controlled. (Titus 1:7, 8) Actually, all who are led by holy spirit can exercise self-control and can thus avoid immorality, vulgar speech, or anything else that could result in Jehovah's disapproval. If we allow God's spirit to produce self-control within us, this will be apparent to others because of our godly speech and conduct.

    If we allow God's spirit to produce self-control within us, this will be apparent to others:
    JW molesters in the news (if known to have had a postion of authority it is noted)

    • Michael Porter RELEASED, Ministerial Servant at Mill Hill (the home congregation of the UK branch)
    • Timothy Gardener RELEASED, Ministerial Servant in Richmond, Missouri
    • Vance Salmon TO BE RELEASED 2008, Parry Sound, Ontario
    • Frederick "Rick" McLean FUGITIVE Ministerial Servant in Southern California
    • Henry William Hauch RELEASED ON BAIL 2007 Elder in Titusville, Florida
    • Eunice Spry PRISON Gloucestershire
    • Cary Verse RECOMMITTED to mental hospital after violating terms of release, California
    • Marcel Simonin Elder in Chateauguay, Canada
    • Enrique Bahena Robles Elder Cancun, Mexico
    • Jesus Cano Bethel Elder Photo:

    Jesus Cano

    The WTS could save us all a lot of time by sharing the rest of this list with us. But they won't--it's secret.

    WTS Letter to Elders (London Branch 06/01/2001)Those who have confessed to child molestation, or who have been found guilty of child molestation by the congregation on the basis of two or more credible witnesses, should appear on the Child Protection List. (For a definition of child molestation see paragraph 3 of our letter To All Bodies of Elders dated April 15, 1997.) Also, those who have been convicted by a court of crimes that constitute child abuse should be included on the List. If necessary, additional information may be kept in a sealed envelope in the congregation's confidential file as described below. Source

    Go On Walking by Spirit

    Q25, 26) How will walking by spirit affect our present relationships and our future prospects?
    25) If we walk by spirit, we will be zealous Kingdom proclaimers. (Acts 18:24-26) We will be pleasant associates, and especially will people of godly devotion delight in our company. As those who are guided by holy spirit, we will also be sources of spiritual encouragement to fellow worshippers of Jehovah. (Philippians 2:1-4) Is that not what all Christians want to be?

    If we walk by spirit, we will be zealous Kingdom proclaimers...Summary of agenda. Literally: spiritual=is actually the physical results of recruiting
    26) In this world under Satan's control, it is not easy to walk by spirit. (1 John 5:19) Nevertheless, millions are doing so today. If we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, we will enjoy life now and will be able to keep on walking forever in the righteous ways of the loving Provider of holy spirit.-Psalm 128:1; Proverbs 3:5, 6.

    ...and there's your moldy carrot, folks. Flipside? If you don't--you're dead.

    What Is Your Reply?

    • How does "walking by spirit" affect our relationship with God and his Son?
    • The fruitage of the holy spirit consists of what qualities?
    • What are some ways to display the fruitage of God's spirit?
    • How does walking by spirit affect our present life and our future prospects?


    Do the facts show that the WTS exhibit the fruits of the spirit, especially in light of official policies on child abusers?

    Do individual JWs even know what spirituality is? Has the WTS stripped the concept of any direct connection to God, instead shackling their members to the physical world of production and behavior?

    Who really can complain about a pleasant article extolling positive qualities? When the plagiarized words comes from a whitewashed grave, I can.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Para. 4: ...nobody can say: `Jesus is Lord!' except by holy spirit...

    Funny, I hear this from every other Christian group except JWs.....

    In fact Jesus is curiously diminished in most WT articles. Say "Jesus is Lord!" at your WT study and see how people react...

    Great commentary. When you hear that, you even think of emotional Christian groups.
    I knew an elder who threw in a few "Lord" comments and the BOE asked him to cut it down.

    The whole scripture leads you to believe that ANY Christian of ANY denomination can make
    the statement, and it means Holy Spirit was behind his/her understanding.

    Para. 5: ..spiritually vigilant... study only JW publications and ignore negative news about WTS organization.

    YES. Reading the term "spiritually vigilant" automatically makes the JW think of keeping up with the
    preparation for the weekly meetings. That's cult conditioning. Now, they recently reminded them that
    it also includes staying away from research outside of the WT publications.

    10) God-given joy brings us deep satisfaction when we do the divine will even in times of hardship, sorrow, or persecution. What happiness "the very knowledge of God" brings us! (Proverbs 2:1-5) Our joyous relationship with God is based on accurate knowledge and faith in him and in Jesus' ransom sacrifice. (1 John 2:1, 2) Being part of the only true international brotherhood is another source of joy. (Zephaniah 3:9; Haggai 2:7) Our Kingdom hope and the grand privilege of declaring the good news make us joyful. (Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14) So does the prospect of everlasting life. (John 17:3) Since we have such a grand hope, we should be "nothing but joyful."-Deuteronomy 16:15.

    ENTIRE PARAGRAPH Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

    "[Keep doing] the divine will even in times of hardship." They tell the cult member to go to meetings
    and study and keep recruiting no matter what hardships they are going through.
    It makes me sick when I think of clinically depressed JW's who are told to just do more in service,
    and that advice makes their depression worse. Nobody ever does enough for Jehovah, so being told
    that you are depressed because you need to do more- that destroys some faithful members.

  • OnTheWayOut

    26 paragraphs. Even though the bulk of the paragraphs are short, this forces the
    meeting to keep moving on at a fast pace. That will be the style the WTS prefers
    so that they can get the elders to stick to the material without time to listen to
    or interject ideas or outside material.

  • WTWizard

    "Fornication". That is one of the "works of the flesh". I am willing to bet that if I were to have consensual sex with a sister, that I would be visited quickly by Brother Hounder with two of his buddies for a judicial hearing. Even if I did consensual sex with a lady that is not a Witless, that would bring Brother Hounder without having two witnesses to the event. Disfellowshipping would result.

    Isn't having sex with children, and especially when this is done via initiatory force, coercion, or fraud, also fornication? And yet the pedophiles who are on public record remain in good standing because there are not two witnesses to the event! Some self control, when a "shepherd" will molest a child sexually and hence commit fornication while on a hounding call. I wonder why such incidents aren't treated as harshly as two teenagers having consensual sex between each other.

  • freeme

    Spiritism != Spirituality

    Even though they have similarity from a special viewpoint.

  • yesidid

    Thank you Blondie.

  • V

    "faith without hypocrisy"...

    "Even churches that condemn immorality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children." Tract KN37

    Tract 37 False Religion Child Abuse

  • Gill

    Oh My, V!

    How embarrassing a find that is for the WTBTS!

    Does the term 'hypocrisy' ring a bell with them at all, do you think?

    That would be so funny, if it wasn't so sad!

  • Robert222

    My dad was an elder. The rule at the time was an actual case of a father molesting his own daughter is "ok" because he confessed and is working on it. Since the girl was underage, the elders did not care. The matter was kept private as a family matter. Two teens having sex is a great JW crime that could result in unwanted pregnancy and the whole hall knew their crimes and the teens publicly reproved or disfellowshipped. Insane, right?

    Regarding the KN tract, the JW might remove the man as an elder - once the matter became public. The catholics supposedly keep them in office as priests.

    I know, JWs have their own circular reasoning, they are always superior, and they are always insane.

    Thank you for this week's WA study and analysis.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Thanks for the great Comments!

    For me the angle I take issue with, is that I could never see how it could be applied to non annointed, as we didnt have the spirit. Therefore how were we to really act upon the spirit? In fact Paul wrote if we didnt have the spirit we were not christians and still under law, and therefore condemned to die. So to try to show scripture thats nothing to do with a group of people the WTS have made up, is pretty pointless.

    As for whether the group as a whole works under spirit, well thats pretty evident, just as Jesus said, they are white washed grave's. As a child I thought it all looked wonderful and great, but the older I got the harsher it was, the less love I saw, the more man made rules and pharisaical attitude became clear to me, congregation politics, with it being who you know that can help you along the way - dont be in a spitirual single parent family, as your an outcast. How many times did I see the supposed working of the spirit come back to bite the elders, later on, as people lied the're way in to position's, that clearly they didnt measure up for.

    My hope is that, people get a wake up call, see something and after a series of things observed while a JW, begin to mentally break free.

    CS 101


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