Comments You Won't Hear at the 9/2/07 WT Study (WALKING BY SPIRIT)

by WT Comments 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SirNose586

    Great analysis. I love the introduction of logical fallacies in there, too. Pretty boring study today. But the self-righteous dubs had a field day after that paragraph about apostates.

  • theMartian

    That was cool, WTC!

    That was the slickest twist on scripture I've seen in a long time! (Just read the part where the writer tries to discredit Russel's comments on dead really meaning DEAD! It was so cheap & phony, that I had no desire to read the rest- even tho I agree that the 1919 dogma is Utterly Ridiculous!


  • frankiespeakin

    Martian, :::::no desire to read the rest- even tho I agree that the 1919 dogma is Utterly Ridiculous! Agape! ::::: Welcome! you are almost there,, speaking against the organization is something that cannot be tolerated by the organization, don't you agree?

  • greendawn

    The vast majority of the JWs can not have an intimate relationship with God or Christ for the simple reason that they are not part of the New Covenant. And the ones that claim to be part of it do not act as such. The whole issue that the JWs can have such divine intimacy is a joke.

    Also this is a very strange thing to appear in a JW article: "and nobody can say `Jesus is Lord!' except by holy spirit."

    The JWs are very averse to saying that Jesus is Lord and should a JW say that repeatedly s/he could end up in trouble because only jehovah is the Lord in the judeo masonic WTS organisation. That implies that they don't have the Holy Spirit.

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