Thou Art GOD

by the dreamer dreaming 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    What you dream must be manufactured by some part of you, let us call it the Generator Of Dreams, prior to the part of you that witnesses can witness it, which seems a necessity since there is no conscious awareness of it be manufactured by the part of you which watches it.
    in many cases you are very much suprized by what you dream and how it unfolds. Yet its conceded by most that you yourself are the source of both, the dream and the dreamer....

    what exactly would GOD be if take away all the religious a$$ kissing and sucking up? the ultimate reality that became aware...and since there was nothing but GOD to be aware of.... dreaming of something GODs true nature could dream up... a universe of possibilities.

    YOU have NEVER known a moment when YOU did not exist.

    YOU have always been in the center of the only universe YOU know.

    as far as YOU can tell, everything YOU know is YOUR own mind's interpretation of reality...and YOU ARE reality.


    the Generator Of Dreams

    and you are the DREAMER DREAMING

    We are one.

    most of the world is chasing its own tail wondering why GOD is not acting for them...or like the fish they are looking for the ocean.

  • AlphaOmega

    I like it...

    Now try dreaming a dream... You have allowed the dream to happen - you are now observing the dream.

    You observe the dream, only to observe the characters in the dream are acting in a harmful way.

    How do you get them to change their ways WITHOUT disturbing the act of observing the dream and thereby becoming the director of the dream rather that the generator/observer?

    You could allow your "dreaming mind" to appear in the dream as a perfect manesfestation of the dreamer. You could therefore influence the dream but not FORCE it.

    In effect a lucid dream.

    I have often pondered whether this is the meaning of "I and the father are one".

    This is a perfect panENtheistic viewpoint - Creation exsists inside God, Yet God is more than the sum of the created things. Just as in the same way that when we dream, a whole universe exsists inside us - yet there is also a world outside our dreaming minds.


    Y'all are far deeper thinkers than I am, however I wanted you to know that I very much enjoyed reading this.

  • nvrgnbk

    We are one.

    I am you and you are me.

    We are them and they are us.

  • poppers

    Who is this "you" that dreams and then thinks it dreams? Is it real or only another dream? What is that which witnesses every dream? Is "that" any different than that which witnesses the "normal" waking state? So, what is actually real, that which appears to dream or that which witnesses it all, both within the dream state and within the waking state? What am I really?

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    who is asking?

  • poppers

    "who is asking?"

    Precisely! Very good, grasshopper.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    In the beginning was the Dreamer

    and the Dreamer was with the Generator Of Dreams

    and the Dreamer was the Generator Of Dreams.

    All things were dreamt by him and without him was not anything dreamt that was dreamt. -John 1:1-3

    I and the source of my dreams are one -John 10:

    Within the Generator Of Dreams, we live and move and have our being - Acts 17:28

    We are heirs of the Generator Of Dreams, and Joint heirs with the Dreamer.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    The best teacher is he who can show you that you never needed one.

  • nvrgnbk
    "who is asking?"

    Precisely! Very good, grasshopper.

    That's my poppers!

    I love it!

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