Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....

by Dragonlady76 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    I want kindness and femininity, but I want to be challenged.

  • bigdreaux

    oh,,,,okay. yeah, maybe you shouldn't work on that second one.

  • Sparkplug
    I want kindness and femininity, but I want to be challenged.

    That is a given with today's women don't you think?

  • Sparkplug
    Big Drew

    Sorry about the uncajunafied spelling............

  • bigdreaux

    it's cool, it is actually spelled wrong anyway. i wasn't paying attention when i registered. don't tell anyone, though. okay? lol

  • Sparkplug
    maybe you shouldn't work on that second one.

    Ok, and I won't spell if you won't spell! Tired already and second isn't finished. Bushed. Night.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I've gone out with a lot of women since I left the org. Tall, short. Fat, thin. Wealthy, broke. Drug addicts, tea totalers. Devout, atheist. Strippers, prudes. Etc, etc.

    The thing that I don't understand about many of the women I have gone out with (and women could probably say the same about men they know or have gone out with) is that most of them have no idea of where they have been, where they are at, or where they want to go. Its like they have no curiosity about themselves or the world around them. They have a couple of interests in life and that is it which I find tedious at best. It is not perfection, which is an impossible standard, but a women who hasn't lost that sense of curiosity is a huge turn on for me.

    Sassy - I look exactly like that. Except I'm Norwegian...and, um...husky. The boat is still in the water, btw.

  • sweetstuff
    The thing that I don't understand about many of the women I have gone out with (and women could probably say the same about men they know or have gone out with) is that most of them have no idea of where they have been, where they are at, or where they want to go. Its like they have no curiosity about themselves or the world around them. They have a couple of interests in life and that is it which I find tedious at best. It is not perfection, which is an impossible standard, but a women who hasn't lost that sense of curiosity is a huge turn on for me.

    Pick better women perhaps?

  • jaguarbass

    My perfect woman, She would be cut from lifting weights.

    Hair would be good.




    Attractive face and body.

  • Dragonlady76
    My perfect woman, She would be cut from lifting weights.

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