Mr. Flipper's Son Hears and Sees Bigfoot- I'm Serious, Not Joking

by flipper 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • fedorE

    How a a licensed clinical psychologist reacts to seeing the creature.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Isn't it amazing though that Bigfoot is usually only seen by a lone person rather than a group of people.....umm why is that ?

    Could it be that the teller of the story knows that he doesn't have to collaborate his story with anyone else's ? It is his story and only his story to tell !

    Another obvious viewpoint to take on this subject is where is the rest of the families of Bigfoot, where are the mothers and babies ?

    Surely Bigfoot didn't evolve from under a rock.....ummm But then again maybe he always existed like the great Jehovah !

    I'd like to thank Flipper for starting this thread I was really in need of a good laugh...... cheers

  • flipper

    Thanks FREEDOM FROG for the supportive threads, also FEDOR E. for the documentation of some peoples experiences. And thanks also to the antagonists, your thoughts are welcome as well. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • fedorE

    Your more than welcome!

  • flipper

    FEDOR E- Thanks! As a matter of fact my son told me this last week that his geography teacher and his girlfriends anthropology teacher have given him and his girlfriend the go ahead to do their thesis on researching Bigfoot this year in the university they attend ! So I'm saving some information for him on sightings so he can compare the details with what he has researched already. And, we are going on a trip with him in early October to explore an area he encountered one in

  • flipper

    Well you guys, my son can't wait to explore until first week of October. He is going to the place he saw the Bigfoot this weekend with his girlfriend. They are hiking in about 3 or 4 miles to a river and then from that base camp hiking up a remote valley with no trails to see what they can find. He will have all of his equipment night cameras, etc. so it will be interesting. I told him to call me Sunday night when he gets back so I know he made it alright ! Mrs. Flipper and I will go with him in earl October ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • bigdreaux

    remember what we talked about bro. have fun, and good luck.

  • flipper

    Hey Bigs, yeah I know. He says he's takin' a knife. Like that would give him a snowballs chance. But I've done a lot of reading on these things in the Bigfoot Researchers Reports Organization and after reading this last week of about 100 sightings and interactions with this creature, it has never attacked a human yet! Dianne Fossey in studying them in Africa before she was killed by ( no, not gorillas, but by native humans ) said that these huge apes seem to be big bluffers. If you just treat em' with respect and are still, not agressive, they won't attack. She said the gorillas she researched would charge at her and then just stop within 15 feet or so. So we'll see. I told him he better call Sunday night when he gets back. He is a pretty smart young man. I trust his judgement. At least Mrs. Flipper and I will know his location where he is at

  • bigdreaux
    He is a pretty smart young man

    after talking to you, i can imagine what kind of father you are, and i don't doubt this for a second.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    well, my theory is, if they have to make a sign about bigfoot, they really must exist!

    Tell your son to be careful there mr flipper! You never know what you can encounter in the back country!


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