Lefty Said:
"The apostates, via their enquiry’s with the NGO officials, were in the process of traitoriously forcing the UN to focus in on the Society’s being listed as an NGO while at the same time obviously never intending to abide by the requirements of being such an “associate”."
In essence, you are stating that the WTBTS lied to the UN to become listed by them. I believe you call this spiritual or theocratic warfare.
Honestly, that is the most reasonable explanation of why the WTBTS asked to become an NGO in the first place... I agree with you 100%.
Unfortunatly, I don't understand why the "Truth" would have to lie, and use the 'wild beast' of SATAN here on earth to help it with it's own agenda.. Interestingly enough, the "Wild Beast" didn't use your organization to further it's plans, did it? Why would JEHOVAH need help from the 'wild beast' to further his work, but the wild beast itself did not use Jehovah's organization to further it's work? Sounds backwards to me, doesn't it?
On top of that, the organization 'compromised' on their view, because as has been stated many times on this board, the Awake! magazine has run articles in the past few years shedding good light on the UN.. So, your organization not only is using the 'wild beast' to further it's work, but it's also speaking in complementary tones to the beast itself, so it could keep the association alive!!! In fact, if you read some of the messages in here, you can see that just changing the tone of those Awake! articles caused a few of the then current members to stumble.
So, to recap, the organization needed the 'wild beasts' help to continue it's preaching work. To get this help, it lied and used deception to become associated with the 'beast', and then was willing to lie and deceive some of it's own in their own Awake! magazine in order to keep the association alive and well, causing some of their own 'flock' to stumble in the process.
It's nice to see that the organization uses lies and deception on it's own 'flock' as well as on the rest of the 'world'.. And it worked, from what you can read here.. Many then current witnesses were stumbled by the fact that the organization was speaking 'good' of the UN..
At any rate, what I personally hope comes from all of this is that the WTBTS's 'spiritual warfare' strategy comes out into the open, so you cannot deceive any new 'worldings' into falling for your organization's lies and deceit.
It would be good bonus if the average JW realizes that s/he was also deceived by reading stuff in the Awake! magazine that even the GB didn't believe, but had to print in order to keep the deception with the beast alive and well..
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive...
The truth NEVER would have to resort to lies and deceit to get it's message across, but that is the only way that you can honestly get new 'disciples' because if they knew the entire truth about your 'good news', they would run away faster than I could say, "You want some Kool-aid?".
- Wannahelp