Did You Donate Contributions To The Hall & Society?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Snakes (...)

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Yes, I used to be a very conscientious about donating. I made out three $50.00 checks monthly, one to our KH, one to the building or relief fund, and one to the World Wide Work. I wrote these checks right along with the rest of my "bills." I remember once, about 1992 or so, the Society sent out a letter asking for immediate donations for something; I remember there was a KH part specifically dedicated to the reading of a letter from the Society. That night, my husband and I wrote a $1000.00 check, and our congregation donated around $12,000 to that particular donation "drive."

    I haven't donated for about a year now after discovering the UN and pedophile information on this and other websites. But, everyone else in my congregation seems to be donating as we average about $1000.00 each month in donations to the Society.

  • Shawn10538

    I stopped donating when I was at Bethel. I just couldn't believe that they actually asked bethelites to donate for literature when we had to live on practically nothing to begin with. I just told myself, "I gave at the office." I felt a little guilty but not too much. In other words for the last 10 years I spent in the org, I gave not one dime. I couldn't be more proud of myself for that.

  • greendawn

    I never donated anything to them in terms of money because I was spending a lot of time during my first year as a JW as a pioneer of the WTS and time is money in a way. After that I became disappointed and inactive and didn't want to support the org in any way and I didn't.

  • minimus

    I understand that at least 3 of the local congregations are looking to build one KH that will accomodate all the nearby Halls into one! If they consolidate, it will help financially.

  • saywhat?

    Every so often I would give each of my three kids a dollar to put in which ever box they chose to. I have to agree that talks about collection plates probably did more harm than good. They would criticize other religions for only caring about the number of members in their churches, but yet, it is nothing but a numbers game to the JW's. Everything from number of members in attendance at the Sunday meeting; to all the numbers they are so proud to display in the yearbooks.

  • dobbie

    Shawn i cannot believe bethelites were expected to donate money when all they have is their allowance, so basically the society gives them a pittance and then expect some of it back again?!Greedy swines.

    I did in one mad moment donate £110 for the entire kingdom songs cd collection, as they had recently said from the platform about remembering to donate for things, esp the more expensive items. They are now dumped in the garage where i shall either use them as bird scarers down the allotment or chuck them. Don't think hubby will get anything for them at a car boot like he thinks lol.

    Apart from that one time of madness we rarely gave. We both hated the way the society letters about giving money were worded, and hubby used to say if they really have Jehovahs spirit then they would be looked after and don't need to keep reminding people to donate. Might as well pass round the collection plate its virtually the same thing really. Also we had to pay £9 a year just to park on the field at the district assembly so working out how many cars were parked on those fields and what they raked in, and then they would go on about donations towards assembly costs, i thought that was a cheek cos i'm sure most of the car parking money they got would have paid for that.

    I just think its wrong to ask outright for donations the way they do if they really think they have the 'troof'. They always used to try to get hubby to skip work and me if we weren't allowed time off by the employers to go to the assemblies,and say Jehovah would look after us etc and quote that scripture about him looking after the birds etc, so not to worry if we lost our jobs, so they should follow that themselves and stop trying to make people cough up!Sorry i ranted on a bit... just its always wound me up and none of the other dubs would ever see it the way we do, or admit it anyway lol

  • WTWizard

    During the first three years, I did donate something. They were always asking for more, since I was on the stingy side. I did order literature before they went to the complete donation arrangement, and at first I donated a "fair" amount ("fair" meant the amount that I would reasonably have expected to under the old arrangement). And I donated usually $50 per day at the big boasting sessions.

    After a few years, I realized that I was getting negative value for my money. They were putting so much emphasis on that fxxxing Tower of Babel at 90 Sands Street that it was being used in place of my personal fulfillment, and I realized that a portion of my donations was going toward constructing that tower of doom. That's when I cut out the donations altogether, giving absolutely nothing. I only donated whatever money I got in the field for that purpose, without mentioning it to the householders, and that usually was barely enough to pay for the actual cost of the literature itself. There is no way I am going to support that damn Tower of Babel that they were constructing, let alone to help them protect pedophiles within the organization or shut down the Quotes site at watchtower.ca.

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