I agree with you, Restrangled.
Kinda weird we are supposed to be the most powerful country in the world and we've NEVER had a female president, even though women have had the right to participate in politics for around a hundred years now.
Awakened: When I left the JWs I did feel like an alien, lol. Still do a lot of the times.
I am amazed at the number of women that just accept things as they are and don't speak out about this.Well then, of course when I do, I'm labeled a " RADICAL FEMINIST CRAZY ^&*()" LOL-ooh, scary.
I am puzzled when men use sayings like " don't be such a pussy" and "quit being such a girl" to taunt each other, then say that they don't view that as being a putdown toward women. They call each other "f*g" and "homo*" too.If they don't like something, then its "gay"
Men who are assertive in business and politics are "successful go getters." Women are labeled "ball busters" and "butch," among other not so flattering terms. And the worst thing is, even other WOMEN join in this type of name calling, like doing so helps them jockey into a better position with the ruling class.
Can someone please explain to me how using a word that describes something about a member of the opposite sex or someone of a different sexual orientation as an insult is NOT a putdown toward that group????And DON'T use that tired old phrase "boys will be boys". What-are boys and men all mindless robot drones? Do they just speak and not think about what the heck they are saying? Why is that okay? Why is it wrong to gently point out that what they are doing is offensive?
Yeah, yeah. I know "LIGHTEN UP." The catchall phrase that is constantly used whenever someone objects to objectification