Blondie needs encouragement

by blondie 162 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse

    I have always admired your strength and intelligence, blondie.

    I do hope that there is a way for you to beat your illness.

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions


    Thinking of you!

  • NewYork44M

    Blondie, your work on this board is something to be proud of. You have affected more people than you can possible comprehend.

    Good luck and we all are praying for you

  • Quandry

    Please accept our comments as encouragement; you have been an encouragement to us!!! Keep fighting and never give up. We are here for you. You are a five star show

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    So sorry to hear about your situation Blondie.

    (((((((((( BLONDIE ))))))))))

    You've always struck me as one of the "cool heads" on JWD. If someone starts making statements about JWs that are inaccurate or exaggerated, you are often the one to inject a nice dose of reality. Often just in the form of a WT quote that brings the discussion back in from Left Field. This committment to accuracy and honesty is a great help to lurkers and newbies. If it weren't for posters like you, I may have never "awakened". Thank you so VERY, VERY much for all you've done for this community.

    My thoughts are with you Blondie.

    Be strong.

    Open Mind

  • DeusMauzzim


  • done4good


    You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • AlphaOmega


    You are in my prayers.


  • Missanna

    You have been so encouraging and helpful to me. Hope you will think of all of the friends you have here with a smile on your face when your going through these tough times. Love ya girl!

  • anewme

    Dear Blondie, I feel sick to think that you are not well.

    I fear losing you from this board.

    I have not learned all my lessons from you yet....

    To stand up boldly against lies, manipulation and entrapment by individuals or entities.
    To speak out my doubts and concerns when others speak nonsense or illogic.
    To soothe and calm and nurture those who are honest and truly seeking wisdom and truth.

    I have never met a woman like you before Blondie. But now I will look for her everywhere.

    Hope you feel better soon,


    One of your many "Little Grasshoppers",


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