I wish I could get my JW family to read CoC. It gets easier to live with. At least you are finding out the truth, not many JW are brave enough to question.
God help me - Just finished Crisis of Conscience
by Orgull 49 Replies latest jw experiences
While the book helped me I no longer view it in the same light I originally did when first comming out of JW mind control. It is a stepping stone.
I agree with Frankie
it is a stepping stone
enjoy your journey, let the feelings come and go, the thoughts come and go, it takes awhile to get on your own two feet without having wobbly legs.
After reading CoC, I feel like I just died. I also feel like I've just been born.
this is a true description of how many of us have felt after reading CoC.
Being released from prison is a good analogy, but it is also literal. The best expression I've come up with to describe the initial feeling of recognizing the WT for what it is, is stepping into the nothingness, because that's what we were trained and indoctrinated to think of life outside the WT. It can indeed be terrifying. But soon you will realize it is not "nothingness", but rather "reality". Grasp it. Make your place in it. Define YOU, and then be YOU.
When i pulled the curtain back and saw thaere was no wizard, I too felt many things. I went through the range of emotions most true beleivers grow through.
I now live life with a freedom I wish I had always had. Best of luck to you.
Wow, you describe it so well. Though I've never experienced that transformation of thought, I've witnessed the power of this book over and over again on JWD. Congratulations. Like any major life-changing event, this will be a stressful time, but also unforgettable. Embrace it.
stepping into the nothingness, because that's what we were trained and indoctrinated to think of life outside the WT. It can indeed be terrifying. But soon you will realize it is not "nothingness", but rather "reality". Grasp it. Make your place in it. Define YOU, and then be YOU.
When I think of the Witness delusion, I get an image of a beach tent crowded with hot, sweaty congregationists. The leaders are barring the door, haranguing the members with the horrible dangers of the "outside". You might get sunburn. You could step on a shell and cut your foot. There are untold dangers in the water like jellyfish stings and algea rash. All true, as far as they go.
Meanwhile outside, families are frolicking on the beach and the waves, enjoying a bright, sunny day.
So be sensible about the dangers. Stock up on sunscreen. Buy yourself some floppies. Shower after playing in the water. Then enjoy yourself.
This is so encouraging>>>>Welcome to "our" family... We have UNconditional love on here.
When they kicked me out...I wanted to kill myself...I had no support groups like this. I thank Simon every time I read posts like yours.
Yes we were duped, but we are free now---- as long as we remember to "do unto others as we would like them to do to us"
God Bless you in your freedomMouthy/Granny/Grace
It is the difference between an accidental drowning and murder!
Dead is dead, but; intentionality weighs heavy on the soul.
The Watchtower Society, I have little doubt, was begun in sincerety. But, somewhere along the line very early on Russell realized he was wrong and kept going.
Rutherford, I believe, was a vile and ambitious man who saw a machine he could run in the form of a publishing business with hoardes of human capital.
Rutherford manipulated lives and destroyed them while building an edifice of ego fantasy.
Knorr was sincere and strait-laced enough to try and make something out of the educational end of publishing, However, his henchman was Fred Franz and Franz
was one of those cartoon genius/lunatics with an agenda. Jehovah's Witnesses became worldwide dupes of End Times fanaticism in a mad self-destructive campaign
that led to embarassments and second-guessing.
After 1975 the Organization has become a prison camp of snitches, weasels and bewildered malcontents jostling for position along side true believers who'll believe almost anything
they are told believe. Only a fraction of a fraction of those remaining have enough personal integrity and intellectual honesty to see the truth about "The Truth".
It is a LIE. It is erosive. It is destructive and backward and medeival.
Rejoice, my friend--YOU ARE FREE!
Speak up and speak out with confidence and let others see there is hope in a world painted black.
This is a do-it-yourself life. Just about any great thing is possible if done by people with hearts full of optimism and integrity thinking for themselves!
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