My first marriage was really a hard one. Lots of challenging situations there. I beat myself up for years over leaving it.
But truthfully, religion aside, we both are much happier now. I went to visit him six months ago and he was very happy. He showed me all the improvements made to the house and recent pics of the witness family and the nieces and nephs. I came away with the view that all was well and that everything was back to peace.
I really dont believe I will suffer any eternal torment for leaving my marriage.
In fact I may have saved a life by doing so. YEAH HIS!
In retrospect I should be sainted!
If You've Been Abused in a Bad Marriage or Relationship You Can Leave
by flipper 11 Replies latest jw friends
ANEWME- Yes, indeed, moving on is many times the best situation, because if two people are not correctly matched, it can bring untold misery to all involved, and more importantly, any children involved. After I broke up with the lady in this initial thread, my daughters , witnesses said, " Dad, you should let us pick a woman for you next time. " They had come to think I had poor judgement of character, but they would have picked a stuffy, conservative witness woman for me, and that would not have worked because that's not me. So I got lucky a few years later with Mrs. Flipper