I don't. I was promised that this generation would no means pass away. (Live Forever Book, pg. 154) I brought this up, although it has probably been discussed before, because I am sure some people right now are worrying how to handle an elder's visit or call. My approach has been that I simply do not recognize my baptism as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was sixteen, I had no idea what I was getting into. I learned as an adult through therapy just how mentally and emotionally pressured (brainwashed)I was to make a baptismal committment . I was oblivious about the significance of what I was undertaking. Hence should any BOE commence judicial proceedings against me I would sue them and the Watchtower for damages. According to solid sources in the legal profession, that arguement would in fact, hold up in court. And we all know how much the borg loves courtside publicity.
Do You Recognize Your Baptism?
by sweetstuff 67 Replies latest jw friends
No, I did not even 'dedicate myself in prayer', and when I was asked this, I made up a date.
I did not even study for my baptism questions.
About as much as I recognize my wedding anniversary. I was 18 when I got baptized and 21 when I got married. I was WAY too young for both. I do, however, recognize the date of my divorce hearing (May 5th, margaritas, anyone?) and my last meeting...both signs of my growth, freedom, and independence.
Good answer Eclipse. BTW, I don't mind your centered posts at all.
Well I guess baptism is SUPPOSED to be an outward symbol of a type of initiation, which has to do with a shift in consciousness. But as with other things of this nature like a guru giving you a spiritual name in some foreign language nothing else may have happend in that moment, or even before it. Just because there is a symbol doesn't mean there's anything behind it.
In my case, I was a sincere convert so I actually did have the intention of dedicating myself, but of course that self gets pretty messed up in the religion. I was definitely changed to an extent, on some level, so it counts for something, but not in the sense of THE ONE life changing thing or anything. If you continue to mature in life, you tend to have other milestones. Obviously I wasn't that mature back then both due to indoctrination and the naivete of youth.
I did not even study for my baptism questions.
Me neither! I had the book open and looked all through it for the answers. Not one of them cared. I think they just got off on the fact that they were behind a closed door alone w/ a legal teen in a skirt.
About as much as I recognize my wedding anniversary. I was 18 when I got baptized and 21 when I got married. I was WAY too young for both. I do, however, recognize the date of my divorce hearing (May 5th, margaritas, anyone?) and my last meeting...both signs of my growth, freedom, and independence.
I hear you on the marriage thing too Sweetface!
I renounced my baptism. Here's the thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/133224/1.ashx
Here's what happened-
After dropping my wife at the
prisonAssembly Hall, I went to have my ceremony.
I went to an area with BBQ grills.The grill was full of wet leaves. I left them as I didn't want to start a wild fire. I just cleared the
center area and shredded a "Live Forever" book, a Watchtower, Awake, "Keep On the Watch"
brochure, and several DC invites. It was quite a pile of shreds.I said out loud (nobody in earshot anyway) "It was 20 years ago this very month of April that
my life got sidetracked. I reached out to God for help, but a mind-contol cult snuck in and
took over. They led me to their altar and told me to dedicate myself to their organization.
They left out some information, so today I officially undedicate myself to the Watchtower
Organization.""Right now, this very minute, my wife is attending a baptism talk at the local assembly hall.
The new recruits will undergo the same agony I went through for many years. It is fitting that
I choose this time to undedicate."I had quite a problem lighting the fire, as the leaves were damp and the wind was bad, but I didn't
give up. Soon I had a large flame in the grill. That seemed appropriate. It's been hard to break
free from the WTS, but once I started on the way out, there was no stopping me, and I reached
the point of blazing mad, now hoping the flames will die down, so I can just move on.As I stirred the paper with a stick, I said "Just as WT left out important information, I no longer
concern myself with the information I supply them. I am free to use deceptive methods to avoid
their witch hunts or withhold information. Since I was not fully informed about disfellowshipping
and false prophecies, my baptism was invalid. By my undedication, I renounce it." -
Oh duh, I totally spaced on the connection between the baptism and being associated with WT and stuff - guess that pretty much speaks for itself, though.
Sweetstuff--I never gave this any thought until I read your post. I like your logic on the matter. I was baptized at age 14. Frankly, it never occurred to me that one day that decision made with little thought would cause my family to desert me. It really is ironic in my family that they speak and associate with our big brother (whom I love and adore) and refuse to even answer an email from me. He does drugs, openly "immoral" according to borg definition and swears like a sailor. He grew up with the truth, but luckily he broke from it when he was 18 without making the mistake of baptism. It cracks both of us up that I have been kicked to the curb and they still have him over for dinner. He has told them he thinks they are being completely ridiculous.
Sweetface--that is very funny! We should get together sometime..we are about 4 hours from each other.