Once when I was returning from work I decided to take a short cut home. It was the Halloween week and ppl had their houses decked out. I turned into a dark road that has a house just every so often. I noticed on my left that a homeowner had built a nice looking spaceship equipped with a martian inside it. It looked great and took me by surprise. As i kept driving I looked up and saw lights. Nothing like in the movies but just dozens of large sized lights in the sky and all close together. I knew they weren't stars. I could see stars. But these looked like big street lamps in the sky. I just sat there looking at them for a while. All i saw were lights in the sky. There's nothing to say that they weren't something else...but...I was shocked none the less.
Another time in my early 30's I was starting to use drugs. I was doing a lot things i shouldn't of been doing health wise and was on the wrong path. I can still remember getting up one morning and the microwave was flashing 11:11. I got into my car and the time was 11:11. I gave it no more thought until i kept seeing 11:11 everywhere i went.And I mean everywhere! My sleeping habits were the same as they had always been. Nothing was changed in my life. I kept taking way too many drugs and I had an overdose of MDMA. That happened 3x in 8 months.. But i was enjoying myself so i kept taking drugs and enjoying it along with a crazy lifestyle that was bordering on criminal behaviour. I would never look for 11:11 it's like it was looking for me. I would go to work still on drugs from the night before and I thought I was having fun. But i kept on seeing 11:11 everywhere i went. It came to the point that when i saw 11:11 i would say F**K off already!!! I never paid attention to time,because i "lived" in a casino for about 8 years. But anytime i looked at the time it was inexplicably 11:11. On the highway i would see huge 11:11 sign on the way to see my son. Over and over and over. This kept on happening for a solid year. And then it stopped when i decided to clean up. Of course there is a paranoia associated with drug use. But seeing 11:11 all the time started to scare me and I eventually came to see it as a warning sign for me. Fu*k me I know. Ocasionally when i see the # nowadays it reminds me to never start again what i left behind....
These arent paranormal per se . But perhaps some of you have had experiences that have stopped you dead in your tracks.