We were just discussing fear of bridges at work today. I think I'll have to show 'em all this french thingamabridge.
I have been across the Pontchartrain bridge a few times and I HATED IT. At an assembly in San Francisco we had to cross a brige that was barely above the water and I think was about 5 miles long. Hated that one too.
I've pretty much always been afraid of bridges but not morbidly so. Now it's more the fear of having a panic attack sneak up while on this sort of bridge. How bad would that be!
Would You Cross This Bridge?
by Perry 25 Replies latest jw friends
knock knock
Wow, that's an amazing bridge! I thought at first it must be a computer simulation, but then I see it's built.
And yes.
Would you cross this bridge?
That is beautiful and yes I'd cross it!
Sure, why not?
Sure, in a heart beat.
Only if it is made better than the Paris Airport terminal that collapsed a while back....
That brings an old joke to my memory
What is heaven?
Heaven is a place where the...
Italians are the cooks,
The French are the lovers,
The English are the police,
The Germans are the engineers,
and the Swiss are the timekeepers.
What is hell?
Hell is a place where
The Swiss are the lovers
The Germans are the police
The English are the cooks
The French are the engineers,
and the Italians are the timekeepers.
Hoping not to offend...