100 Good Samaritans needed

by Trilobite 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    "If you see what I said as an attack you are perhaps the most tender-hearted person on the planet, or you misconstrued my words."

    Julie, this is true of me. I do tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, so, if I misconstrued what you said. I apologize.

    I guess emotions are just running on overload. I just wish Doug were in his own place, not having to worry. He doesn't deserve that, no one does.



    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Esmeralda


  • Julie

    HI Lilacs--

    I wrote you a reply a short while ago but I do not know where it is. It went something like this--

    Kind words, thank you. I think sometimes my very plain-spoken style is taken more harshly than it is meant to be, especially by the softer skinned among us (like you). I too am very soft-hearted but I have thicker skin.

    We have different styles of communication but we meet on common ground regarding the situation of our friend Farkel. I am sure that you, like myself, hate to hear of anyone enduring real hard times (as too many are all the time) but it's worse when it's someone you care about--I know.

    Thank you for your gracious words and I reciprocate the sentiment. And a BTW--I have been meaning to tell you, I like your signature.


  • Sunspot

    Dear Doug,
    It is SO frustrating to know that you need help and I can't do anything but sit here and write warm fuzzies to you. We are having a tough time fiancially as well, so anything I can send will be very small, unfortunately. I really hate it when I can't DO something to help a friend who honestly needs a hand.

    I just read your last post and I just can't stop crying. I guess I must have a violent streak deep down somewhere, because I want to get ahold of that piece of inhuman garbage that did that to you,and tear him to pieces.

    I well know the feeling of having someone deliberately destroy cherished belongings, my parents did the same thing to me. I had several "collections" since early childhood, (I collected seashells, feathers,paper dolls, old storybooks like Peter Rabbit, Bunnuy Brown series, Nancy Drew mysteries, the Bobbsey Twins books Little Lulu comics and figurines from all over the world.) My grandmother used to send me valuable antique dolls that SHE collected, just to name a few things off the top of my head. These were packed away in my parents large home and nothing was ever mentioned about my removing them by a given date....they wouldn't answer my letters or accept my phone calls in 30 years. (A loooong time to be on punishment)

    The things that were considered "junk" were tossed out, and no one will tell me where the rest of my things went. I was crushed when I learned about it, especially the fact that my own parents would be that vindictive. The feeling of personal items being trashed out of meanness is hard to understand, like what PLEASURE does it bring....

    My heart goes out to you even more, Doug. I think your quota of nasty people in your path, should definetly be filled now. You have been introduced to some caring souls now, who are aware of your situation, and I'd like to think they'll kinda keep you in mind and "be there" for you in the days ahead.

    San Diego MUST have some kind of resources like Social Services, etc that issue food vouchers the same day you apply, or a list of agencies that have emergency services for situations like yours....please look into this if you haven't already. I don't know anyone in your area to call and I don't know California at all. My niece and family just relocated from Santa Rosa to Alaska, I don't even know if that was near you anyway!

    When I recently found this board, and I saw your profile, I saw the Pitcairn Island address and thought, "Wow, I wonder when he moved THERE" LOL! I even looked it up on a map to see where it was, ya big brat! Guess I'm still pretty gullible sometimes <grin>

    Please keep in touch with us here and let us know how things are (or aren't) going, K?

    hugs always,


  • bboyneko

    .. http://www.rapidchek.com

    I always reccomend this easy job for those that need extra cash in their spare time. It's called Theatre Open Checking. You do it every weekend. It pays $10 a showing. What is it exactly? It's you working as an 'Independent Contractor' for a company called Theatrical Entertainment Services. In said compoany, they get hired/contracted by the movie studios like Warner brothers, New Line, Buena Vista, etc. to check movie theatres as a sort of spy. You are that spy. It's called an open check because the manager will know you are there. Sometimes they send you undercover. Bottomline is you present a letter signed by an executive at the movie studio, the theatre lets you in free and you go to your assigned movie and check for things the studios are interested in. They wanna know the seating capacity, the trailors that are being shown,, commercials, also the amount of people. ALll this takes you about 15 minutes a showing to do, and they pay you $10 a showing. SO if you get assigned the movie 'Bboy Nekos II: Blood Vengeance' and that movie is showing in 2 screens at your assigned theatre, and each screen has 5 showing a day, thats $100 for the day. And usually it is a weekend assignment, you get $200 extra bucks for the week for doing next to nothing. If you can juggle mutiple theatres you can gets tons of money. This past weekend I made $600, and the weekend before that $350. The bad thing is you gotta take the taxes out yourself, since you are an indepoendent contractor..TES will not take any money out of your pay for you. The other bad thing is you gotta wait 3-4 weeks for your paycheck to arrive from your assignments.

    It is all done remotely. I have nenver personally met anyone in the company. It is all done by phone and email. They call me, say hey dan wanna do this assignment? I say sure and they put it on the internet for me, I just print it out and do my work. The other bad thing is its a LOT of paperwork. Every screen per day required 2 detailed sheets to be filled out.

    But you get to see all the free movies you want, and get paid for it. I havent paid for a movie in 2 years. Last year I earned an extra $6,000 from TES work. So again, I reccomend it. You gotta have your own car and be prepared to drive to far-away theatres. Its a very odd job, very few know it exsists. But guard your area..once you are TES representative for a city, you will suffice. If more people join up in your area, your available work will shrink and you will get les money. So dont go blabbering about this job to everyone you meet in your area. This is a United tates job but im sure other countries have similair work. Hope this helps those who need an extra hundred bucks a week. bye!

  • Trilobite

    Hello all,

    We are up to a definite $160.00 per month from 10 posters with several others who indicate they will contribute but haven't said how much.

    Plus we have some who have offered lump sums.

    ES: Any more thoughts on best way to transmit? Fark, what do you think?


  • Esmeralda

    I asked my husband's opinion on this too and he concurred with me that the bank account would be the best way to go.

    That way, people who have pleged can write to you, T, and get the bank account number. Farkel would have to set this account up at the closest possible bank to him. Then people would be able to send checks/money orders and the money would get to him a lot faster, and no per transaction fees.

    If any banks in his area offer fee free checking that is the way to go. Otherwise perhaps someone trustworthy who lives near Farkel can help him get the account set up and checks can be sent to Farkel in care of their address.

    Just some thoughts. The more I think about PayPal, the more I think that it's not the way to go.

    Also, this would help anyone who wanted to send money from another country, because they could simply purchase an international money order in American funds and then the money would get to Fark a hell of a lot faster.

    Hope this helps. As I said, this has to be handled on a local level with the bank.

    In lieu of this, I still recommend Western Union over PayPal, because the service fee is paid by the sender (not Fark) and the payment can be made to him in cash.

    If anyone else has any ideas I'm more than happy to hear them.

    *hugs* T

    edit: I should say I believe that the fee for Western Union is paid by the sender only. If that seems to be the way you're leaning, T I can find out.

  • Trilobite


    I like the bank account idea. Another approach although probably not recommended would simply be to mail cash directly. Most of the amounts are fairly small......

    Let's forget the pay pal and western union things, yes?

    I will certainly be willing to supply details to everyone if Farkel gets them to me...

    I wish we could get the $ amount up some more though. $40.00 a week isn't much.....

    Thanks Essie,


  • Trilobite

    Batting $170.00 for 11

  • Esmeralda

    I think that once the details are ironed out, more people will feel comfortable sending contributions, T (me included).

    I think that forgetting paypal and WU is a good idea. Now its up to ironing this out with Farkel, do you think you can accomplish it? I know he said he was going to send you a phone number...

    keep me posted! I'm in and out of here tonight.


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