As we know, JWs tend to have a very strong fear of Satan. After thinking back, I can't believe the extent to which the concept of Satan has gripped many JWs with fear.
For instance, there was a member of my congregation whose feelings I hurt unintentionally. I still believe that if they would've stopped and thought about it that I meant no harm, but since they were hurt I apologized. Next thing I come to find out that they went and told other congo members that "Satan has gotten a hold of me and is using me now".
On another time, there were some JWs that went to see one of my parents and I happened to be there. 80% of the conversation on the visitor's part was about Satan and how busy he is in working against them. They really believe that every single little incident that happens, evne if someone just happens to cross them the wrong way, that it's Satan's doing. They were even saying that they believe that a group of demons live in their homes, watching there every move.
In the field service, there was one gentleman we came across that was without a doubt very sick, he even said so himself. This was the door of the person I was working with, and they kept talking as if he told them nothing. I tried to dismiss us, offering to come back another time, yet my partner kept talking. The householder became very agitated at this point and sternly asked us to leave, so we did. The first thing out of my partner's mouth..."Satan sure is on his job!"
Next this makes me think of my ex. Sure, like every other couple, we had our occasional disagreements. Instead of her realizing that it's a part of life, she would say that "Satan was using me against her to bring her down". I can't recall an disagreement in which she didn't say this. There were way too many times that something was obviously bothering her that she never talked about because she "didn't want Satan to hear something and use it against her." Sure, every single thing doesn't have to be discussed, but i'm talking about things that would bother her to the point that they keep her in a constant state of depression. She sometimes would talk about it later and admit it would've helped if she would've sought out my help, or ask me to do a certain things a different way. This of course was very frustrating. Were we supposed to speak telepathically? Were we supposed to form some new language that Satan wouldn't understand. The problem with that was that he would be "looking on" as we created it and still work against us.
The fear of Satan can be very damaging, and I think its an easy escape from the problems that life brings.
What is your personal experience or input?