interesting post RF, especially coming from a younger person...very insightful.
I too have often wondered why people think Satan or Jehovah micromanage our lives? Why do people blame every bad thing on Satan and credit every good thing to Jehovah? Does this mean we really don't have free will after all? If we believe that, then we really are just robots or puppets in the hands of some deviant extraterrestrial beings. Free will ...isn't that what the whole fantasy about allowing Adam and Eve to produce offspring was all about...allowing humans to excercise free will?
If you believe the Bible (aka Book of Fantasy)....even the angels had free will...doesnt it say somewhere that "a third of the heavens were swept out" or some such nonsense, speaking of the demons being cast out of the heavens? A THIRD of the PERFECT ANGELS decided to follow Satan? I never believed that crap...even though I used that account all the time in talks...Does that make any damn sense to anyone other than JW's? But I guess other religions take it a step further and add hell to the mix. ..... Is "Jehovah" so inept as to create not one but two people who screwed up on earth and then created how many angels that ended up turning on him? If angels were automobiles, there would be a massive recall. Inept....NO....Fantasy....YES
RF...fear is what creates control....mind control....control the mind you control the person and their actions.....and their pocketbooks. Get people to let loose of their hard earned cash and time.... to follow the ramblings of a book publishing corporation in the guise of religion. Who was it that said: "Religion is the opium of the people." ? Keep the JW R&F happy with the high of a future (always future carrot in front of them) paradise and you have them right where you want them.
The internet has created a way out for people to somewhat privately search for real answers. I dont think there are real answers to life's existence but the JW answers are not answers at all.
excellent post RF...
Snakes ()