I haven't been to a meeting in going on 2 years and have moved since my last one. I don't know any JWs in my city, never even seen one on the street, and have been looking for the nearest KH. I am going to check the schedule and see when their Service Meeting is. I really want to see how the "discussion" of the question box is going to play out. Does anyone else want to be a fly on the wall for this thing? I don't think I'll make any "comments", but I may approach an elder afterward and ask why JWs can't read anything except JW literature.
Is anyone thinking of attending the Service Meeting next week?
by sweetface2233 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would attend a meeting where no one knew me and put up my hand just for that part, and start a discussion
Is that next week already? And I still don't have my Sept 07 KM, despite the fact I am still a (technically) active publisher in good standing.
I intend to go.....just have to find out which KH we are attending again.....
Snakes ()
I'm tempted to go, but I want to be consistent with my fade.
Knowing the personality of my congregation, they'll eat that info up like they're at an all-you-can-eat buffet after a 3 day fast.
The majority don't like thinking for themselves so the information is no shocker for them I don't think.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
If I could be anonomyous I certainly would. Unfortunately there is no cong I could go to where SOMEONE wouldn't know me.
Shepherd Book
Has anyone considered the possibility of a telephone tie-in?
You could call the hall and give a fake name and say you're visiting from out of town and would like to hear the meeting. Then you could hear what they have to say and not have to worry about actually being there.
If anyone does goes, please record that part and post it!
How much are you willing to pay?
Open mind
I'll be there.
If a small corner of a KH was on fire I wouldn't even walk over to take a piss on it. So, I guess my answer is NO.