You post left me so angry! I have family that won't talk to me either... love, family, does it mean nothing to these people??? I often think about the fact that my Grandma, cousins, uncles and aunt aren't going to know when I have children... I don't even think they know that I'm married. If I died, they wouldn't attend my funeral (which is another can of worms... I've read some doozies here about that subject too).
I can relate to your story in so many ways, but so do many of the other people posting. I've been here less than a week, but it's been so therapeutic, so yes, you have come to the right place. Reading other people's reactions to your story, and the stories that they share will make you feel that you are NOT alone, because you're NOT alone!
Everyone here can relate to your story in some capacity, and it's always best to learn and grow with people who have been in your shoes, and know how it feels to be abandoned. It's hard to move on, because of the incredible amount of guilt that consumes you when you were a part of something so controlling to your every move!
Please, keep reading, posting, and participating. It really helps.