I invited him to come inside the coffee shop where I am working (on a book about JWs) and he came in saying he had to make it back to the convention center for his assembly, but he was very leary. He came in and I invited him to sit down but he woudn't. He said he couldn't answer any questions because he was disfellowshipped. That never stopped me from talking to people about the truth. Is there anybody out there who actually declined to preach because they were disfellowshipped? I found this ridiculous and very indicative once again on what pussies JWs are these days. I mean, I was like a freakin' suicide bomber compared to the timid shaking rats they have out there preaching these days. My God, what are they doing to those poor people that they are so afraid to talk with people? They just want to leave a mag and run like hell before any real exchange of ideas can take place. They just shrug and walk away any time I try to talk to them. They are seriously ill with pathological avoidance! I don't get it. Were any of you out there such pussies when you were in the False? I'd love to hear how different ones treated people in the field who wanted to debate or argue. I was always up for it myself.
Just ran into a DFd Witness trying to "come back"
by Shawn10538 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
when you were in the False?
That phrase is pure genius... it deserves a thread of it's own
I liked that expression too: "in the False."
I only had a limited time DFd before figuring out it wasn't "the Truth," but I know I expressed myself to whomever I wanted in whatever way I wanted.
I think that most j-dubs are embarrassed to be Jehovah's Witnesses. In a way I was one of them. In regards to friends and co-workers I would never discuss my religious status, however when it came to preaching or discussing religion with people I did not personally know, then I wouldn't have any problems discussing my views.
Now that I'm an ex-dub, I'm proud to talk about my past with anyone that is interested in religious cults or is thinking about joining them. I hated every moment in field service, but now I love every moment that I "anti-witness".
The Oracle
I think you right. Many Witnesses these days take pride in avoidance tactics. I am still in "the false" as you call it (working undercover to destroy the cult and save kind and innocent people from psychological and physical danger), and I can attest to the fact that most JWs spent as little time as possible in real "service". My book study is a great example. Most are loving the fact that I send them on their way and never check up on them. I know half of them end up going for breakfast or going to do "a few calls" then call it quits.
The reason is fairly simple. I honestly believe that deep down 90% of the intelligent JWs realize that it is a complete and utter sham. But a large part of their brain won't allow that thought to reach their mainstream thought waves. They suppress it for many differnent reasons ( a topic for another post), but it shows up in other ways - like ditching service, and quietly partaking in activities that are "against the rules" (over drinking, watching R rated movies etc etc). If they REALLY believed it deep down they wouldn't be avoiding service and doing these other things.
The Oracle
Its called the power of CULT, when it can control others and they act like robots, and they don't even know it. Its almost laughable if it was not so sad.
One day when we are fully under the Christ's kingdom rule and the dead are being raised up, we won't even think back on these dificult times of hurt cause everyone will be progressively healed of all these marks of imperfection.
That phrase is still making me chuckle a day later...
"Use The False - Luke" ...
Yes, thought so, it ended up being duplicated !
Took 5 mins to "go through"
I took two magazines today off some witnesses i bumped into (and knew) - if it means they are short of them at a door and read a scripture instead, that suits me.
It may not even be a case of them being spineless, their morale probably got sapped away by the realisation that the dub org is an elaborate hoax, let's not forget that a large percentage of dubs are there thank sto te coercive methods of the GB.
And the much trumpeted imminent end of this system and the coming of a paradise world and immortality has ceased to have much appeal to them. It appears ever more like someone's utopic adolescent fantasy.