Just ran into a DFd Witness trying to "come back"

by Shawn10538 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • writetoknow

    Unfortunately, as sad as it may sound (some not all) disfellowship people are sincere enough to believe they are unclean in Jehovah's eyes and cannot talk to someone else about their faith because they are a bad example.

    In fact, I know of people inside the organization that forbid a disfellowship person from speaking their faith if they do it shows they are not really repentant. There are two groups for and against the question is which group is the elders that reinstated in?

    The whole thing is a game people learn to play to be accepted. People will do anything toget back in it has nothing to do with faith or truth or God but acceptance.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    It is rather strange! Every time I run into a JDUB they act like they are afraid of something! How come they do not like to talk about the bible, they act like they want to hide under the rug just mentioning the bible.

    But when I run into people that are out of the false they are sooo happy and love to share an a scripture and a smile.

    I am just so happy to be out of the meetings.

  • Purza
    He said he couldn't answer any questions because he was disfellowshipped.

    This sounds like he is still very much under their control. If you really think about it, when you are DF'd, you are all alone. The WTS still controls you by not allowing you to make friends with worldly people - it would hinder you getting reinstated. In a lot of cases you lose your family and all of your JW friends. They want you to feel totally isolated in the hopes that you will come back. And a lot of DF'd people buy into that -- I know I did (what a loser I was).


  • steve2

    Its called the power of CULT, when it can control others and they act like robots, and they don't even know it. Its almost laughable if it was not so sad.

    No, it's called a lack of brain-cells and/or the individual has probably been unable to think for themselves. Karl Marx was right: religion is like opium: There are so many people who find life too damned hard, and, as much as they supposedly "hate" religion, keep getting drawn to it to solve their problems.

  • writetoknow

    I think that it is just that the lack of freedom and more! Those that are in the org really don't use the bible as there authority it is the publications. Most will call at your door and offer you a mag. they simply are not comfortable with using the bible.

    I personally feel that is because they are not lead by the Spirit of God they are lead by knowledge that knowledge comes from the governing body. Those that leave generally have had a personal relationship with God and they never really fit into the org once out they gain the freedom given to God's children.

    The problems exist when they keep trying to get back in and it grieves the Holy Spirit, but because they as doctrine bound it takes years of punishment before they start to realize God loves His children and trust them and does not want them under a yoke of slavery.

    As far as the original post why people that are disfellowship don't want to talk about the bible it because the doctrine teaches they are unclean and it wrong to talk about something clean which in this case would be the bible or the knowledge of the bible.

  • bluebell

    i never liked to debate - cos i didnt believe the False myself deep down even though i thought i did :)

  • esw1966

    I was always up for it as well.

    I remember pridefully thinking that I can go to the priests house and getting into hour conversations.

    I remember days of 7 pentecostals coming onto the porch with me or long conversations with born againers. (of which I am now!)

    I always felt that I had the truth and I could face anything. I was always willing to hear others point of views because I knew I had the truth.

    After 30 years of such confidence and willing to hear the other side of things, I finally found out the real truth and I was OUTTA THERE! I guess that confidence did me in...

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