Dfed and Damned for Life

by Hangin_on 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LeslieV

    Sounds like Hangin on really feels the need to return. Personally wish you would consider your new child....is this the way you want your child treated if she/he makes a deemed mistake by this religion???????

    I have to agree with Snakes...if that is your wish get out of the congo that you are attending, and attend another. There is to much history and gossip going around in your current congo, and that is why the elders keep telling you that you are in an adulterous marriage. You have to go where there is not the gossip, and judgment of you are in the eyes of those that attend. You know the look......they look at you like they just swallowed a sour grape.

    Good luck to you and your very young pregnant wife. Tell her that I am thinking of her also.

    flowerbouquet.jpg image by Lesliev1031


  • jwfacts

    My ex was reproved for blowing someone before I married my current wife.

    As your wife has committed (Watchtower) fornication you are scripturally free to remarry. Have you reminded the elders of this?

  • oompa

    OMG..Omg..Omg... Yep, I agree with Sparkplug.

    Family is harder to give up than friends, because they are what you have known your entire life. You can and will make new friends though, plus you have your own wife and new family to enjoy. At your age, you will NOT believe how different your life will be in 15 years, but I will tell you this, there is a VERY good chance that many of your family and former friends we not be going to the Kindom Hall in the next few years, and if you are willing, they may be grilling out in your back yard with you.

    An Elder in my hall I never even cared for took his best friends wife. They got married. They did everything right. She was out 6 years, he was out 9! I did not even like the guy and felt sorry for him.

    beyond judgemental.....forgive 77 times...oompa

  • Perry

    If a church isn't friendly, most people just find another church that is. Pretty simple.

  • BluesBrother

    As somebody said, it is up to the elders how they respond..They can be "too busy" if they want to be.. Is there a history here? Is your ex connected to them in some way? Do they blame you for her demise? If you want reinstatement then I guess you just have to be persistent.

    But do you really want that? Have they not shown their true colours ? After all "By your love you will be known my disciples"..

    Check out the board, use this as an opportunity to have a personal independent study of the movement and its teachings, then decide...

    Good luck and best wishes to you and your wife

  • Gill

    Welcome Hanging_On!!!

    But what exactly are you hanging on to?

    The WTBTS is full of crap! Haven't you noticed how horrible JWs are? What do you want to go back to or for? Do you like being lied to and deceived? Do you enjoy being punished for being in love?

    Dump your ludicrous family and JW associates.

    I cannot begin to tell you how good it will feel to be free of the WTBTS shackles and chains. You and your wife will feel better once you have removed the mill stone from around your necks. It may take a few years to get your head round the fact that you've been tricked by a book publishing company for all your lives but.....worse things happen.

    Move on! Be happy! And good luck to you and your wife, and of course your new baby on the way!

  • fresia
    Haven't you noticed how horrible JWs are?

    No, there not all horrible, but those that say all JW are horrible are usually horrible.

  • inbyathread

    I'm not going to site any scriptures on this. You can look them up later if you want. If you still have the WT library you can search for marriage, divorce, adultery and you should find all you need. I had a talk about the requirements for re-marriage.

    Fact: You had a sexual affair during your marriage

    WTS response: The spiritual ties of the marriage have been cut by your action and your wife does not forgive you for having the affair by withholding sexual relations with you.

    Fact: Civil divorce occurs

    WTS response: Injured party (in this case, the wife) is free to marry as the other party (you) again broke the marriage bond under scriptural reasons. However there is a QFR that also states that you are also free to marry.

    My thoughts. You will never be reinstated in the hall where you were df'd.

    Reason #1. The Elders believe that reinstating you will set a precedent (sp?) for the congregation that adultery is an acceptable method for leaving/ending a poor marriage and still get reinstated.

    Reason #2 If you attempt to use any of this information, even quoting scriptures and WT publications to them in an attempt to show scriptural (actually WT) proof that they are wrong in their position, then they will view you as trying to teach them and how can you, a DF'd individual teach anything to a spiritual giant like an elder. A really repentant individual would never attempt to teach or justify their position. You are not repentant because you are not doing what the elders feel you need to be doing to gain Jehovah's favor and be reinstated.

    I believe you would be better off by breaking any ties with the WTS and enjoying life with your new wife. If you have family still in the cult then I might understand your need to get back in standing with the congregation so that they can speak with you. But is the heartache worth the emotional turmoil that you will need to endure.

    The spiritual relationship you need to work on is with you and Jesus and with your Heavenly Father. Jesus forgave a woman who had many sins in her past. You need that relationship with Jesus so that you can feel the forgiveness by him also. Then you can move on in your life. Without some form of forgiveness, whether truely from Jesus or a false form of forgiveness from three error-prone men from the WTS you will never really be able to forgive yourself and you will place the blame on not getting reinstated on yourself AND your new wife. Something that she doesn't deserve. If she truely wants to get reinstated then she'll blame you and again something that you don't deserve. I personally believe that the first form of forgiveness (from Jesus) is the best route. Good Luck to you.

  • Hangin_on

    My ex is not connected to them... after she got in trouble they told her she is no longer the victim... the critisized her about her clothes and another sister would not allow her to be a brides maid in her wedding because she got reproved... I blame myself for her getting in trouble and the elders told me she is a "casualty" of the situation. When she faded she let them and other people know that the elders and the way they treated her is the reason she left.... I think they blame me because they don't want to blame themselves for her leaving

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hello Hangin' On!

    It is for the sake of your peace of mind that I tell you this: the teachings of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society are NOT the "Truthâ„¢". Your life is not in peril!

    Please get yourself a copy of the book "Captives Of A Concept" by Don Cameron and read it.

    You can get your life back.

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