Psychiatry is a very valid field, as Sculley said. The wts has always frowned on the medical establishment and encouraged alternate medicine. While I think alternate medicine is good, one should not try and treat serious disease with it. At best it is an adjunct.
The wts would have us believe that all psychiatrists are nuts and want to sleep with the female patients and are crazier than their patients. the truth is: that rumor you heard that crazy patients go to school and become psychiatrist's and therapists, psych nurses, and such-well there is some basis to that. many people after surviving depression, etc, want to help others and go into the field. I would trust them as much as anyone. And It is true that sometimes therapists get involved sexually with their patients, but there are laws in place to prevent that. Any situation where someone has power over another person can lead to sexual abuse. Its not more prevalent among psychiatrists.
I have seen both psychiatrist and psychologists. Now a days most psychiatrists only do what's called medication management and the psychologist, or social worker , LPC do the counseling. therapy is seldom done like you see it in the Woody Allen movies. But that was an a interesting time and it does still exist..
I have benefited immensely and owe my life to one person He gave me unconditional love when thanks to the wts, well, all love and acceptance had been removed from my life. Had it not been for him and his kindness and intelligence-I would not be here to say this to you. They really are doctors and it is so backward that our society does not in general see depression and related illness as a disease worthy of treatment. therapy is very important and it can help you a lot. or in my case, it saved my life.
I think counseling can benefit almost everyone. If you have depression or mood swings, whatever, see a psychiatrist and get in counseling.