they ask you b/c no one is inside your body but you. the doc has a usual dose for a certain med. It may nor may not work for you. for myself, the doc and i have found that we cut the standard dose in 1/2 to 1/4.
There are many meds out there and yes sometimes docs experiment .I recall years ago taking depakote when it was a very expemental med. Now it's common.
i know it is frustrating to try meds and have side effects and feel like it will never get better. if your doc has not done a thyroid panel on you, then ask him too. Also have your testosterone checked(I'm assuming you are male).
many things can cause mood disturbances or even outright hallucinations.
Sometimes you may need to start over with a new doc. if you have been seeing this doc for sometime and he's out of tricks, try and new doc and see what happens. sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to help you look at your situation.
Remember, all meds have side effects and be prepared to tolerate some of them. I hate it too, but that is all they have right now.
if you can get exercise and eat better. Your problems may be a medical problem .Even if they are not, exercise and eating better will not hurt anything.
its like any other illness, you have to get up every day and get dressed and keep trying.
also, if your life situation is bad, ie bad marriage or something like that, no amount of pills will make you better. That is where therapy comes in. Recently I discovered this. I was grieving and my doc finally said, ' we don't have pills for grief" . grief has to be experienced and lived through. it's tough, but ture.
take care. I know it is hard.