Fiddle with your navigation system and you'll be thrown in the slammer! Don't try to use that MP3 either or you'll have the book thrown at you!
Talk On Cell In UK While Driving & Go To Jail For 2 Years!!!
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
Amen! Mobile phone use = drink driving.
Fiddle with your navigation system and you'll be thrown in the slammer! Don't try to use that MP3 either or you'll have the book thrown at you!
Yes... good ! But people can still smoke whilst driving - including rummaging around in car for packet, opening, lighting up etc. ...and it still seems to be okay for women to apply make up whilst negotiating roundabouts ! ... and can driver can still drive along eating from a takeaway on their dahsboard.
How did we get to the point of charging people with crimes before they commit a crime.
Having kids in the car can be a problem too! I say lock up the parents that wantonly take their wild kids for a drive!
It all comes down to a charge of "driving without due care and attention".
Personally I think it is a good thing. If I made "hands-free" devices, I'd think it was even better though. £ $ £ $
Changing radio stations should be forbidden.
If a person has a sneezing fit while driving, they should be arrested for not paying attention to the road.
And yes, don't go to McDonald's and drink that soda or coffee with one hand. Keep both hands on the wheel at all times or face prison time.
Forgot to add, that the last time I checked the regs, it was okay to touch your sat-nav and other devices (ooh er) as long as they were fixed to the dashboard and not held in your hand.
We had a case here where a woman unwrapped a Kit-Kat and popped it in her husbands mouth whilst he was driving... He was caught and fined - it made front page news.
I read of someone who was killed by a lorry-driver who was texting as he drove on a 70mph road. He didn't put the phone down though - he managed to text the words "oh shit" (or similar) after he had knocked down this pedestrian.
If a person has a sneezing fit while driving, they should be arrested for not paying attention to the road.
That used to be used as an urban myth here - if you sneezed whilst taking your driving test - you would fail ! Scared the crap out of me !
I'm not sure where we stand on drinking coffee - I guess that would have to be proved that you were being dangerous.
But people can still smoke whilst driving - including rummaging around in car for packet, opening, lighting up etc.
Thats one of my bug bears too!