What's their view on unibrows?
J.W= No beards-clean shaven, short hair...even Jesus???!!!
by Witness 007 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Witness 007
Uni-brow is a "conscience decision" however the view of the congregation should be taken into account so that none are "stumbled."
Also Sisters with beards or a moustache are not showing respect for headship and are like Sister Russell, trying to steal power in the congregation. Also Sisters with short hair are breaking Pauls commands and not showing their "Glory" to the congregation. These Sisters should be to you as the tax collectors...don't eat there cakes at the bookstudy.
Also Sisters with beards or a moustache are not showing respect for headship and are like Sister Russell, trying to steal power in the congregation. Also Sisters with short hair are breaking Pauls commands and not showing their "Glory" to the congregation. These Sisters should be to you as the tax collectors...don't eat their cakes at the bookstudy.
LOL! priceless
Witness 007
Also any Ex-Witnesses that are suffering from Pogonophobia = "The abnormal fear of beards." there are many web-sites on the subject...I know Im too scared to grow a beard, I only last 6 days last time before a brother saw me at KFC and told my wife I "looked depressed." Now Im back to shaving everyday.
Let's take a closer look at JW reasoning on beards, shall we?
1.JW's are all ministers. As such they must behave the part and look the part of representatives of pure religious worship.
2.Beards on men do not look ministerial. Professional men do not wear beards.
This carries implications, of course.
If professional businessmen commonly wore beards it would logically follow that JW's would not stand out as aberrant.
If mainstream cultural acceptance of beards on ministers was demonstrably positive it would logically follow JW's could fit in with that appearance.
What is the guiding principle in the above?
In essence, JW's adopt the customs of the world to determine what is fitting and proper!
Why is it okay when it comes to appearances to adopt the ways of the world, but; it is deemed improper when it comes to everything else???
Nature itself demonstrates the length of hair is determined by the tendency toward growth. Clean shaving is the custom of pagan's historically.
The root of Semitic religious behavior was bearded men demonstrating coming-0f-age and maturity in the faith. Boys were too young to grow beards. Sporting a beard was a rite of passage. Grey-beardedness and grey hair was a badge of honor and maturity and wisdom.
Is an orthodox rabbi or a Mulla clean shaven? Why not?
Romans were clean shaven. Greeks were clean shaved. Romans and Greeks were pagan.
For years the Watchtower Society emulated the Greek/Roman/Pagan concept of clean-shaven Jesus because Jehovah's Witnesses got their badge of honor from being CONTRARIAN! Going against the grain was part and parcel of their claim to True Worship. (No birthdays, Christmas, holidays, etc.)
Their reasoning was false, their historical appeal was phoney and their claim to truth dissonant. So, they changed their view (and illustrations) of Jesus.
If they can be wrong on one thing; they can be equally wrong on another.
All you have to do is ask the JW who complains: "Exactly where IN THE BIBLE do we look for support of the no beard policy?"
It is obstinancy, pure and simple and not much beyond that which impels this policy forward.
"Why copy the world?"
Mrs. Witness
Clam--He looks like Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees.
Going against the grain was part and parcel of their claim to True Worship.
When you have full access to the history of JW's, you can see that they were totally interested only in being different. It's almost as if they pioneered (no pun intended) the idea of "no such thing as bad pub, only no pub...) They claim that the bible doesn't prophecy of a worldwide conversion to "Christianity", but in reality, they are marketing their bullshit to a niche market only. They don't care about worldwide conversion, they only care about making a fuss, controversy. They shake the tree and take whatever bad apples fall. They aren't talented enough to pick their own....
They so need to grow up.
Alligator Wisdom
One elder I know shaved his mustache off because the CO said that he was the only elder with one and that it didn't seem he was united with the body of elders in the congregation.
I pity both of them. The reason? Because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with walking in faith toward God. Yet, this procedure was mandated.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
who does he remind you of
minus the beard he looks like Hugh Jackman.
My problem with the 'No Beard" stance was the dishonesty of the justification. That's because the religion pride's itself on not having "rules" like other religions or the pharisees.
But in order to maintain order and walk in lockstep like a theocratic army (which the WTS has likened itself to) the org. needs rules. So why can't they bring themselves
to just be honest and say: "Look. This is the way we want it. It has no basis in scripture, but it is how we wish to project ourselves." But no! They have to go on and on
about all this other BS which has NOTHING to do with anything. And the going on and on, the justificatios, the rationalizations ad infinitum, is what ALWAYS rubbed
me the wrong way. Why can't they be honest and upfront? Now i know why. They are incapable of honesty, because honesty takes humility and the leadership has
never possessed humility. And if even in something so little and inconsequential as wearing your own facial hair they can prove dishonest and disingenueos, how can they
be trusted with the consequential things? The life and death matters? According to their own Bible, they CAN"T.
These guys are evil, man. EVIL.