The Way to Paradise by Van Amberg....crazy conversation with Mom

by restrangled 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluebell

    she thinks it's all wrong because it come off the internet? that's great :) made me smile too. Crazy!

  • restrangled

    Alpha O...I bet thats it!!!! I don't know where my cousin ordered it from. My mom is very "Old School" I get the impression she thinks this book is still legitimate. She is 74 years old this fall, born and raised in it, her own mother converting from 7th day Adventist in the early 20's before the following great depression.

    I believe at this late date, considering her mother was not suppose to die and did (1974), and my mother of course was not suppose to die is looking back to the old thinking.

    Everything has been moved forward, dates changed, rules changed etc. etc. (My mom was part of the old thinking that kids should not get immunizations......lucky me, I'm missing a few at age 48, Polio being a biggie.

    I keep giving her hints as to what is going on but it is always blamed on Apostates. I don't know why I keep trying to be nice about it.


  • RollerDave

    isn't it sad how a group can be used as an all purpose, catch all bogeyman and scapegoat?

    My own mother is similar. Any proof of the WTS's duplicity must be forged, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, it matters not how big the conspiracy required to make that happen, let god be true even though the whole world is found to be lying.

    All I can do is shake my head.


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