I wonder how long it will be before the mall owners wise up and start kicking the Witlesses out of the mall with their Puketower and Asleep! literature. Some of them might just kick the Witlesses out altogether, just in case they needed to go back to Wal-Mart because they are too poor to go to better stores on their window-washing jobs. For sure, a short term gain for the cult; a long term loss for the person that they are using.
Not to mention how many shoppers will get pxxxed off and not go back. So the Witlesses are allowed at Wal-Mart; we are going to Target. The Witlesses are allowed at the mall, we will simply order online. I don't think too many customers are going to put up with this for long. Some might tolerate it for a while, so long as they do not get too aggressive in their need to recruit members. Others will not. And, the one time one set up at a store ever attempts to recapture me, I will find the store manager and make such a stink about the group set up to recruit people into a dangerous cult and prevent them from escaping, including reference to an apostate Web site or two, that I doubt that they will ever be allowed back in that store.