When the PO stopped by with my former Book Study conductor, he made the comment that Armageddon is so close now. I told him that I have been hearing that for a long time (over 20 years) while I do not feel that it is for anyone to speculate exactly when it will come, I do believe it was put in the bible as the signs of the last days (for witnesses to interpret their special way) more for the purpose to be spiritually strong on a day to day basis and not for a specific day to take away our daily problems.
I said, Brother, I think what Christ and the apostles, especially Paul, wanted us to do was keep spiritually strong each day "as if it was going to happen tomorrow". I then said think about it, have you ever gone for a ride in the car with your kids and they begin to ask, are we there yet? What do you say? Almost, pretty soon, anything to keep them quiet and thinking it will happen soon. Also, the same if you have ever been in a delivery room with a pregnant woman who is in labor. When she is saying that she can't do it any more, she is tired, what do you say to her? You're Almost done, I think I can see the baby's head, anything to keep her pushing and going forward. I believe that is what we are encouraged to do is to keep in our spiritual state of mind each day the best that we can and when things are really hard? Push all the more so, but with love and understand (not easy but possible).
If we keep spiritually centered as best as we can each day then we are all the more so centered with Christ (or whatever our higher power is)and in turn will treat our neighbor as ourselves. Unity in the spirit of Love. God is Love, shown only if we treat eachother with that love. Hard to do, you bet but every scripture in every religion speaks of treating each other as we would want to be treated.
Golden Rule:
Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them: Christianity 7:12
Love your neighbor as yourself, Judaism and Christianity: Levticus 19:18
Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself: Islam Forty Hadith of an-Nawai 13
One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts: African Traditional Religions Yoruba Proverb (Nigeria)
We really are all the same but unfortunately when we think we are the only ONE (collectively or individually) that has it right is when we get into trouble, I will continue to make my own statement by trying (and it can be trying) to have love for all mankind as best as I can and take one day at a time. Don't live for Armageddon in the future but live each day as your last, as you never know what tomorrow may bring, but try to live it with LOVE.
Peace & Love,