I don't think there is any way that Armageddon is going anything like the Tower threatens. Rather, they are going to keep making the same predictions. They are going to close out any "outside sources", disfellowshipping anyone who studies the Bible without the Puketower literature or reads anything about religion from any non-Tower sources, apostate or not. They will keep people so busy with a schedule of forced service all day, so they will not have time or energy to think. Hounding is going to get worse. The list of banned or required activities is going to become so outrageous that anyone who accurately predicts them now will be thought of as being ridiculous until some or all of them start happening.
Regardless of whether or not their version of Armageddon is actually coming (or the language they use), I can see it coming from another source. One definition of Armageddon is riddance of all evil, whether through massive destruction or from merely removing those who are forcing it on the masses from power. All we need to see is someone get into power that will destroy (by not funding) all the mazes of regulations that use initiatory force, coercion, or fraud to enforce unnecessary rules. Once those regulatory agencies have been starved out of existence, a new law is passed that ensures that they will never be allowed to develop again. The free market itself will develop all the solutions, albeit with short-term risks, that will result in the paradise eventually happening. All without anyone ever having to join an organization or spread the message--the only ones needing to take action are the ones that have the power to de-fund the bureaucracies.
Whether this will happen or not is up to the people. They can wake up and see our leaders mistreating us, passing laws that hamper medical progress and business, passing other laws that dictate who is allowed to marry who (they already have laws about age differences--being of the "age of consent" is of no value if it's all about whether or not initiatory force, coercion, or fraud is involved. If that is the case, that's enough. If not, then there is no reason why the law should take away the freedom from consenting couples), and still other laws imposing burdensome taxes just so they can pay the Fed. If those people are voted out of office, and good leaders are elected, we will see all stupid laws taken off the books and those good laws put in place. (Watchtower Society, watch out! If this ever happens, you are first to go--initiating fraud to get people to join, coercion to get people to join and stay, and force to harass people for trying to leave will get you). Or, people can fall for their non-sequitors as in previous elections and let bureaucrats continue taking our freedom.