Watchtower articles on Muslim religion? Are they afraid to speak out?

by Terry 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Can anybody quote any articles which speak out against the radical Muslim terrorists?

    The Watchtower made its reputation in the 1900's slamming Catholicism and Christendom. Surely you'd expect them to lash out against the MUSLIM extremes.

    Or, are they afraid to do so?

    The Watchtower owned real estate in New York/Brooklyn must have seemed very exposed and vulnerable after 9-11.

    Could all the selling off and moving be connected to fear of Muslim retaliation?

    What stand has the Watchtower specifically taken vis a vis Muslims???

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The yellow book "What has religion done for mankind? {1950's} slammed the muslims saying that Muhamed and Islam was from Satan. It was very in your face...and so the Witnesses and this book were banned in many countries e.g Indonisia. The "Mankind search for God." book {1990} took a softer and tactful aproach to the Muslim issue. I think there more worried about getting the preaching work legally established like in Mongolia the Witnesses are finally making head way.

  • Terry

    It just seems so weird if not ONE word of disapproval has been uttered!

    You mean to tell me nothing? Nothing? NOTHING?

  • nvrgnbk

    Good catch.


  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    Yes, they like many others are frightened to speak the truth about Islam. Mankind's Search is a great example. No one could read that book and know what a dangerous and violent ideology hiding behind religion it is. It's violent history, pedophilia, beheadings to shock and intimidate etc.

    Hey, if cartoons offend muslims to the point of forming angry murderous mobs, and gov'ts try their best to appease, I really don't blame the WTS for trying to avoid them. Let the pro's go after them!

  • snowbird
  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Maybe they don't want to speak out against it because of the similarities between JWism and Islam.

    We're right. Everyone else is wrong. The only real solution is when the whole world is JW Muslim.

    The main difference I see, is that JWs are told to let Jehovah fight the jihad.

    Open Mind

  • Paralipomenon

    They don't seem to attack the two other great monotheisms of the world, judiasm and islam. I think there is a very low conversion rate from those two to becoming a witness so time is better spent hammering religions more apt to relinquish new converts.

  • fresia

    This is an excellent point, I have bought this up with family, the pamphlet on destuction of BTG we handed out last year had nothing on Islam a little corner with a faded mosque that it, all what has been done with global terrisom is not mentioned in regard to Islam.

    I have found it to be very strange, so willing to bash the Catholics which they have said and done nothing but the involvement of Islam and terrirism never gets a mention.

  • Word

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