my friend (at the time.. I was still a dub) angie called me.. she woke me up and asked me if I knew what happened? Being in Cali, it was earlier when the first plane hit.. I turned on the news.. dumbstruck..
then I went to work..
we found out the president (at the time)'s brother was on the 15th floor.. and one of my coworkers cousins was in one of the towers too...
they sent us home from work in case LA was another Target.. so I headed home and Simplesally.. (who was also still a dub then) invited me to come down to the OC to be with her.. rather than be alone..
after all.. we never knew if Armegeddon could be triggered at any time you know.. so we watched the tv together.....
fyi.. the presidents brother survived the fall to the ground from the 15th floor.. my friend/co workers cousin did not