Were the Dinosuars on Noahs Ark? Watch. 1973 = Yes!!!

by Witness 007 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Watch. 1973 july 15 p.7 "Questions from readers. When did the Dinosuars become extinct?"

    "They may have disappeared off the face of the earth in the time of the flood of Noah's day. Not all of them were of gigantic size. Even if they survived till the flood, this would not have required taking pairs of Mammoth varieties INTO THE ARK. Other smaller members of a particular family kind to which they belong would have sufficed to furfill the divine command."

    Yes in 1973 the Watchtower told us that Noah may have taken afew dinosuars on the Ark...he may have had a Dinosuar burger when his family finally found solid ground. I mean people, 1973! Common! Watchtower Forrest Gump science!

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    very funny indeed!!=))

  • Clam

    Thank you 007

    Very interesting. I always thought that a second Ark, populated by dinosaurs was hit by a giant asteroid. Not sure who captained the 2nd Ark, possibly one of Noah's boys who swam to safety, but due to things going pear shaped you can see why it was omitted from the Genesis account.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Noah: " Two T- Rex, two Brontosuars, Two Terradactuals....God dammit! I don't have room for this! Opps...sorry Jehovah.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Sorry, one more thing...before the 1980's Watchtower publications printed any crazy theory they wanted. In 2007 they "try" to stick to reasonable thinking and science as close as possible. Like this Awake about dinosuars would have been flagged at Bethel today as in-apropriate, it never would have passed onto the press! Today the society is more careful after so many embarrasing qoutes. Franz is dead so now we have to get real.

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Not only this ridiculous theory is funny but also the biblical account as well. when i read the account of noah's flood, floating in an ark for about i year, i really wonder how could he feed each animal since each animal has its own unique food, and how could he store these supplies inside the arc without being rotten, where to get flesh water, how could he attend to disposal of waste. Moreover each animal has its own habitat and unique environment, so how could he regulate temperature,humidity etc..? the bible also states that noah took a sample for each kind of animal. this is imposible since there are animals found on other places which are not found in noah's continent. if he was able to circumnavigate the entire globe to get a small sample for each kind, then he will be faced with the problem of logistics to transfer them to the arc. that undertaking itself is much more huge than the building of the arc!

  • Leolaia

    The early edition of My Book of Bible Stories showed a Tyrannosaurus drowning in the Flood.

  • VM44

    The early edition of My Book of Bible Stories showed a Tyrannosaurus drowning in the Flood.

    Oh, that is something I want to see!

    Was it only in the earlier editions of the book?


  • AlphaOmega

    The early edition of My Book of Bible Stories showed a Tyrannosaurus drowning in the Flood.

    Oh, that is something I want to see!

    Was it only in the earlier editions of the book?


    I've got the 1978 edition but I can't find the drowning dinosaur.

  • Awakened07
    i really wonder how could he feed each animal since each animal has its own unique food, and how could he store these supplies inside the arc without being rotten, where to get fresh water, how could he attend to disposal of waste. Moreover each animal has its own habitat and unique environment, so how could he regulate temperature,humidity etc..? the bible also states that noah took a sample for each kind of animal. this is imposible since there are animals found on other places which are not found in noah's continent. if he was able to circumnavigate the entire globe to get a small sample for each kind, then he will be faced with the problem of logistics to transfer them to the arc.

    Remember that every living thing back then were herbivores, so all Noah needed to bring was plants and grass etc. Back then there were only a few 'kinds' of animals within a confined area of the globe (it's only ~1500 years after creation, you know), and all the variety of today comes from them (but no evolution occurred!). Any other questions you may have, are answered by one simple statement: God took care of that.

    So there - try to come back with science against that! God can do anything.

    Of course - God could have simply put a force field around every living creature he decided to spare, or used a completely different method than a flood, but then Noah wouldn't have been tested, and wouldn't have had much to do with his time.

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