Were the Dinosuars on Noahs Ark? Watch. 1973 = Yes!!!

by Witness 007 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quandry

    Remember that every living thing back then were herbivores, so all Noah needed to bring was plants and grass etc.

    Small problem with that. There have been discoveries of saber-toothed tigers with teeth imbedded in the skull of a prey animal. Did he mistake him for a giant vegetable? There have been discoveries of dinosaur remains together (prey and predator) that were fighting to the death.

    But we do not see this information in the WTS literature.

  • Atlantis


    68 miles!!!!!!!


    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Watch 69 9/1 p.543 "Question from readers. Some animals have characteristics that seem suited to killing, such as lions and piosonous snakes. How can this be if they were all vegetarians at one time? -L.K Netherlands."

    "....is there anyone on earth who can say from personal observation how these animals acted 6000 years ago?...does mans ability to chew and digest meat prove that all men eat meat, or that men have always eaten meat? No...SCIENTISTS ARE LIMITED IN THIER KNOWLEDGE...that certain evidence DOES NOT SEEM TO SUPPORT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS about animal life in the past, should not cause one to reject God's inspired word...As an example a tiger can use it's fangs and claws, to catch, kill, tear apart other animals. Yet could not these same claws be used to tear apart heavy vegetation and ripping off husks and shells." {Tigers do love Pineapples and coconuts he he} "..the pioson spittle of snakes for example has work to do in the digestion of the snakes food. It is true that hundreds even thousands of problem cases can be brought up, that apparently indicate that animals always killed one and other....but should our lack of knowledge of God's creation cause us to lose faith in him and his word. should we let questions about preying animals prey on us?"

    Watch 61 p.766 "...God set the perfect man and women on a vegetarian diet, without suggesting even dairy products...WE ARE NOT TO PREOCCUPY OURSELVES WITH THESE QUESTIONS... Noah had no deep freeze or refrigeration installation to preserve processed flesh foods...Noah was not asked to carry on a slaughterhouse in the Ark....Let us take the bibles position on the subject and NOT OVER OCCUPY OURSELVES WITH MERELY INCIDENTAL MATTERS, TO THE EXTENT OF WASTING TIME, THOUGHT, AND PEACE OF HEART, AND POSSIBLY STUMBLING OURSELVES INTO THE CAMP ON THE GODLESS EVOLUTIONISTS."

    Yes everyone! Please stop asking these silly questions, and wasting time from Witnessing.

  • M.J.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Why did he even bother to bring them on the ark if they were just going to become extinct right after that? This has always been one of the fundamental problems with the flood story. Why did god have Noah bring species of animals on the ark that would later become extinct? Wasn't the point to preserve them? Having said that, of course it's ridiculous to believe there were dinosaurs on the ark. But what else are they going to teach, the truth? That the earth has been around for billions of years? It is they only way they can account for the dinosaurs.

  • cultswatter

    So thats how the flintstones started!

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    "Remember that every living thing back then were herbivores, so all Noah needed to bring was plants and grass etc. Back then there were only a few 'kinds' of animals within a confined area of the globe (it's only ~1500 years after creation, you know), and all the variety of today comes from them (but no evolution occurred!). Any other questions you may have, are answered by one simple statement: God took care of that . So there - try to come back with science against that ! God can do anything. Of course - God could have simply put a force field around every living creature he decided to spare, or used a completely different method than a flood, but then Noah wouldn't have been tested, and wouldn't have had much to do with his time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Very nice answer awakened07, Its like starwars then. but considering that Land animals were made in 4th or 5th creative day which the WT thinks to be thousands or millions of years its contradicting to assume that the animals were only confined around the vicinity of Noah.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Witnesses claim that 90% of world cultures have a flood story and this proves that Noah existed. But could this also prove that the story did not originate in the bible, and was not writen by Moses.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I like the recent question from readers that was asking WHY SEVEN ANIMALS?

    Apparently the reason was quite simple.

    Imagine the unsearchable wisdom at play here!

    Jehovah wanted Noah to kill some animals, as a sacrifice to him right after the flood was over. (as if the few hundred million he just drowned wasn't sacrifice enough, but I digress)

    So in his infinite wisdom he had Noah take a 7th single and unattached animal in to the ark. He got to hang out with the other 6 animals, 3 couples , while he counted down the days until they hit dry land.

    That would have really sucked. You may have dodged the flood bullet my little jack rabbit, but Shem would like you to see you by the alter now to give you a bunny snack. DOH!

    Am I the only one that finds that absolutely RIDICULOUS??!!??

    Oh yeah... and what the hell... now that we have killed off 99.9% of the animal kingdom why not start eating the poor suckers for food now?

    I too have also always loved how all the kangaroos and koala bears made a beeline for the coast from the hills in Turkey, and jumped on a raft for Australia.

    The Oracle

  • VM44

    Noah would have had to store enough fresh water to last him, his family, and all the animals aboard for a year.

    The volume of water that would have been needed would have reduced the amount of space for the animals.


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