Hello, I am baptised and wish to write a letter to the Brooklyn branch requesting a response to two belief-related issues regarding which I have recently educated myself. The reply to this letter will likely play a large part in my determining how the rest of my life is lived. I have decided that whatever I do or do not believe in times to come, I will not disassociate myself. Neither do I wish to be disfellowshipped. Do I need to retain anonymity when writing my letter? I like to think not, but would appreciate relevant input. Thank you.
Letter - Anonymity Required?
by Steady As She Goes 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Whoa! Be careful. If you write that letter the first response from Brooklyn will be to write to the body of elders in your congregation. Ask your questions here.
And welcome!
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you write the letter anonymously, how are they going to reply to you?
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you write the letter anonymously, how are they going to reply to you?
Dat holeee spearit will take care of it.
All I know is that any reply/corresponance would be coppied in to you local boe. If the boe suspect your having 'apostate' thoughts then they would want to discuss this with you with the aim of 'correcting'.
imo; The only way you could do this and remain annonymous would be to go real cloak and dagger, using po box address and so on.
If you dont mind me asking what is it that you want to ask them?
Steady As She Goes
I need to write the letter. Are you suggesting that, if my concerns prove unaddressable, retaining anonymity is advisable if I wish to be classified as inactive rather than anything more destructive to family relations? Or is actively attempting to change other members' beliefs required for such action to be taken by the organisation? I do not wish to discuss the issues here, at least at the present.
Steady As She Goes
I am aware of the inconvenience, but have thought of one possible way.
Why not just post your letter here? The people who would have answered your Bethel letter 10 years ago are here now. They will answer your questions right here honestly and they will prove their answers with objective information.
There's a purge going on in the organization right now in case you missed a few months of meetings and readings. There's a huge undertow in the organization now and the Society is aware of it. They are looking for dissenters who are still associating with the Witnesses.
If you write an anonymous letter they won't answer it. If you write a signed letter they will lock onto you and two elders will investigate the motives for your letter at your door late some evening. -
As a former elder, I can tell you that the society does not repply to anonymous letters in my experience, even if you provide a PO box...at least this is what a brother who was a Society instructor who also had worked in Service Dept told me. And others are correct, if you put your name on it (or maybe even just the PO Box/city) the local BOE will get a copy of your letter to "assist" you with your "concerns".
Best bet...do you have a non-JW friend or relative that is sympathetic that would allow you to use their name and address? You could then frame the letter in the context of a non-JW "interested" one. Just make sure the letter states that this is not an invitation for JW's to come around, you are sending the letter to headquarters directly. Best bet is to address the letter to "Watchtower magazine. ATTN: editor"... it will either get forwarded to Writing, Service, or Correspondence Desks That would likely work and get a response. Then your friend can give you the reply letter when they get it. Just make sure your non-JW friend or family member has no JW sympathizer bones in their bodies.
Hope that helps in your search for answers. I dont want to DA/DF either, so I understand.
SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)
What Snakes says...and there is no way you can remain anonymous and expect an answer to your question as well. Give a bogas name and the address of a friend you can trust.
The Society holds no one personally important.