To all who had an oppty to post on this topic.
I am Brant Jones, of Kansas City, Kansas.
I am sorry that I missed this thread, but a friend, Vernon Williams called me today and asked me if I had seen it. I had not until now.
The letters to the Society are all real, I personally wrote them, and their response to me was also real. I still have the original. I will be happy to either fax or send copies of their letter to you.
I was baptized on October 7, 1961 and went to prison in 1966 over the draft issue. I was released in February 1968. I resigned as elder in 2000, after slightly over 30 years. I will be happy to supply a list of my various addresses and congregations for any who are suspect of me. I am somewhat well known from Kansas City to Springfield, MO, and surrounding area, and then in Central Texas, around Austin, Buda, Luling and Lockhart.
I have lived in SW Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and now Kansas for my entire working life.
I raised 4 children in the "truth". All became pioneers for a total of about 20 years full time service. Both of my sons went to Bethel, Jonathan from 1989 to 1994 and Thaddeus, still a victim, went in 1995. He is a servant of some kind in Austin Texas, although he rarely communicates with me. Last year he refused to have lunch with my wife, his mother, who went to Austin from Kansas City, to see him. Gratefully, my daughters, Sheri of Dallas area and Jennifer of KC and Jonathan my older son left the Organization too. ON THEIR OWN. They did not follow me out.
The Society wrote the letter, but they did now answer my questions. They were too busy perpetuating the lie of the Library Card. They spent a lot of words telling me that a religion can't really join the UN. Big news! But they dodged the question that why did they do what they condemned everyone else for?
Please feel free to contact me by PM here or by e-mail, [email protected]. or come to see me. I live in Kansas City, Kansas.
I know blondie, Big Tex, Cruzenheart, Frozen One, Vernon Williams, have conversed several times with many on the board and would welcome a call or visit from any of you except WT sympathizers. You guys are basically on your own. Too blind for me.
Brant Jones