Think about any cult you can name where the members have been told to follow leaders no matter what is told to them. Think of the late 60's with the Charles Manson family, how he seduced those young women into thinking he was Jesus Christ, and they followed him like sheep to the slaughter. Unfortunately for Sharon Tate, that's what it became. The glazed robotic look on the faces of those young women that killed, still haunts me today , even though I was 10 years old when those killings took place. Fast forward in time to Jim Jones in the 70's and all the people misled by him drinking coolaid to their death. Lest we forget Waco Texas with David Koresh abusing members, and I recall seeing that same glazed , inhumane look in him and his followers.
Nowadays, we have the Scientologists who dominate their members , ( example Tom Cruise ) by spouting off insensitive remarks about the need for psychology. Once again, insensitivity to human emotions. Jehovah's Witnesses are involved in a killing of the natural human emotions in their members by their disfellowshipping practices, breaking up what would be normal human emotions shown to family members. It was almost insane to me to see disfellowshipped ones coldly ignored by family and others with blank cold stares one instant, then once reinstated be welcomed back with ( alledgedly ) real smiles by the same people who had been so cold. Pretty twisted indeed! This causes conflicting emotions to spring up in the one welcomed back, (" does my family really love me, or just that I'm reinstated?" ) and in the members themselves welcoming the person back, ( " well, we will see how this reinstated one will do, but we will keep an eye on him "). So the coldness and unaccepting is still there, even when a person is reinstated.
So, how do we get away from these people who have no real emotions, just fake and self centered ? We break away from them controlling our minds and find real love with humans that accept us unconditionally without molding us for their purpose, like witnesses and all cults. How do you all feel about this ? Am I on track here ? It truly is my heartfelt wish for everyone here on jwd to have free control of their minds and be free from dangerous mind control cults anywhere. Welcome any and all responses! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper