How the Jehovah's Witnesses Become Robots, Kill Real Human Emotions

by flipper 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Think about any cult you can name where the members have been told to follow leaders no matter what is told to them. Think of the late 60's with the Charles Manson family, how he seduced those young women into thinking he was Jesus Christ, and they followed him like sheep to the slaughter. Unfortunately for Sharon Tate, that's what it became. The glazed robotic look on the faces of those young women that killed, still haunts me today , even though I was 10 years old when those killings took place. Fast forward in time to Jim Jones in the 70's and all the people misled by him drinking coolaid to their death. Lest we forget Waco Texas with David Koresh abusing members, and I recall seeing that same glazed , inhumane look in him and his followers.

    Nowadays, we have the Scientologists who dominate their members , ( example Tom Cruise ) by spouting off insensitive remarks about the need for psychology. Once again, insensitivity to human emotions. Jehovah's Witnesses are involved in a killing of the natural human emotions in their members by their disfellowshipping practices, breaking up what would be normal human emotions shown to family members. It was almost insane to me to see disfellowshipped ones coldly ignored by family and others with blank cold stares one instant, then once reinstated be welcomed back with ( alledgedly ) real smiles by the same people who had been so cold. Pretty twisted indeed! This causes conflicting emotions to spring up in the one welcomed back, (" does my family really love me, or just that I'm reinstated?" ) and in the members themselves welcoming the person back, ( " well, we will see how this reinstated one will do, but we will keep an eye on him "). So the coldness and unaccepting is still there, even when a person is reinstated.

    So, how do we get away from these people who have no real emotions, just fake and self centered ? We break away from them controlling our minds and find real love with humans that accept us unconditionally without molding us for their purpose, like witnesses and all cults. How do you all feel about this ? Am I on track here ? It truly is my heartfelt wish for everyone here on jwd to have free control of their minds and be free from dangerous mind control cults anywhere. Welcome any and all responses! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • tula

    I think they reference the point that Adam choose to follow Eve rather than God. They dont want to make the "same mistake" of allowing a family member to be more important than "the laws".When it comes to shunning, I have heard the phrase that "following god is more important than any relative". I think it sets them up from the beginning to form superficial relationships. Whether its over religious views or anything else, it makes it easier to disassociate with anyone who does not agree with you on any subject.

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Mr. Flipper, I lean toward a belief in reincarnation and we live this life to learn lessons.

    One lesson I have learned here is that there is no Utopia or paradise on earth amongst my fellow humans.

    The Witness were my teacher on this lesson. I'm just hanging around now waiting for the bell that tells me class is over and I will come back for my next lesson.

    You say how do we get away from the people that are fake and self centered.

    I worked with a lawyer for a while. He kept telling me that the basis for many of his lawsuits was the latin phrase Quid Quo Pro. Something for something.

    In laymens terms everyone is working an angle. Everyone is looking for something from you.

    So as you go thru life be aware of this and dont sell yourself cheap.

    I also learned in my journeys keep I/e keep your inteligence over your emotions when dealing wih others and making decisions.

    When you emotions start controlling your decisions you are on thin ice.Its kind of like thinking with your little head.

    The witnesses are like gang leaders and they recruited us to do their dirty work. Gangs recruit by soliciting damaged people who need to belong and have emotional security.

    Self education and awareness are your greatest tools. They are also the elements the witnoids discourage like the plague. So go figure.

    Thats what poped in my head when I read your comment.

  • tula

    couldn't this behavior be considered some of "her plagues"?

    revelation 18:4

    heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of Babylon, my people, so that you do not participate in her sins and suffer from any of her plagues.

    Fair warning is given to all that expect mercy from God, that they should not only come out of this Babylon, but assist in her destruction. God may have a people even in Babylon. But God's people shall be called out of Babylon, and called effectually, while those that partake with wicked men in their sins, must receive of their plagues.

    what are all of these plagues? Is this this what "her plagues" mean?

    emotional distress

    destruction of family

    isolation of shunning

    tell me more....

    also: Jeremiah 50:8 "Wander away from the midst of Babylon And go forth from the land of the Chaldeans; Be also like male goats at the head of the flock.

    So maybe the Goats are the good ones????

  • freyd

    There was an experiment I heard about once involving psychology students who were to be part of a fake experiment involving electro-shock therapy. The patients were actors and the students were to be in control of what they thought was real electric current. They were told that the patient/actors were horribly ill and that strong electro-therapy was their only hope and that it may seem somewhat gruesome but no matter what they witnessed they were to give increasing amounts of current when the doctor ordered it. The electrical device was clearly marked with markings such as low, medium, dangerous, lethal. All students eventually administered the lethal amounts as per instructed. They became robotic. Seems jw's are no different in their shunning practices.

  • Sunspot

    This subject deserves some kind of an in-depth study. I have seen evidence of the complete LACK f common human emotion and empathy in JWs and looking back, I see that I experienced this myself.

    I had been a longtime poster on the JW debate board at Beliefnet and fought many "battles" there, but a couple of months ago I really "lost it" , meaning that I lost ALL respect for JWs, and my heart broke in two. Let me explain: There are two older JW ladies that post there and they are the MOST unbending, judgmental, rigid and opinionated JWs you can hope to find. They NEVER exhibited ANY SYMPATHY for ones that had been raked over the coals by the WTS and had their lives shredded to bits, etc.

    One young nonJW man that had been interested in a JW gal and was hoping to marry her---had been pretty beaten up by WTS policies and ultimately contemplated suicide because of the futility of the situaion looming before him. These two "loving JWs" were so cruel and unnecessarily nasty to him, that I SHOOK with anger and disgust at the things they were saying to him!!! They had ALWAYS been cold and unfeeling, but they brought this to a new level that time. I could not watch any longer. It hurt far too much.

    On another board, there are similar situations where JWs have absolutely zero empathy for those who have lost their friends, homes, relatives, jobs, etc all due to the love shown in WTS policies....even those who have left of their own accord and live their lives in what would be seen in the "world's" eyes, as exemplary.....but are constantly being targeted by the ever-so-superior JWs there. There IS NO common decency OR tolerance for anyone alse. The JW poster there are of the very same unfeeling and hatefilled mindset towards anyone NOT supporting the WTS teachings.

    I shudder to think that at the time *I* was a JW, that I was as stone cold and clinical in MY dealings with MY family that had left the WTS. I had developed that invisible and unpenetratable shield that I THOUGHT was "strength from Jehovah" needed to face these situations, but I NOW realize that it was cult programming that screwed with my head (and my feelings and emotions). JWs do not even RECOGNIZE THIS when it is happening to them....and THIS is what I find the most frightening and insidious thing of all.

    As much as "things" hurt right now.....I am thankful to have found my balance and that I CAN feel a common human empathy for ANYONE that is in ANY religion (or none) that is having a tough time for ANY reason....and not be limited to only feeling this way for a select few that share the same "faith". The WTS has taught their followers to be programmed robots that are allowed to react ONLY when the WTS thinks it is appropriate to do so.

    And sadly, they don't even realize it.....

  • LongHairGal


    I, too, learned lessons from my experience. I agree that many people have an angle and want something from you. In the real world though you can see it coming and there is no pretense of something else, such as a phoney 'brotherhood'. This sense of a 'brotherhood' is like a drug that lulls you into a semi-sleep and you let your guard and your defenses down and then you get taken advantage of, but with your permission of course.

    I saw this early on in the religion. I was appalled at the sense that some people there thought I 'owed' them something because I worked for a living. This was a sense I picked up on. I am intuitive and I sensed this before anybody ever said anything to confirm it. Yup, I was right on target. I can remember the earliest instance somebody said or asked something that was over the line. I laughed to myself and thought 'like hell'.

    It was like an obstacle course dodging the con-artists and users. I despise them.



    When you are programmed to believe that everyone but "us" will be bird food after dying some horrific death by God's weapons of mass destruction it absolutely hardens you.

    When you are out in service with the "happiest people in the world" and they joke about that destruction of the goats that won't listen to our message you lose that common bond of humanity. They are not one of us. After all it's their fault and God is going to get them.

    When you are told that it is a form of love to treat your own flesh and blood like they don't exist because you have to harden your heart to make God happy then you are a robot. Hard hearted and emotionless, cold, made of steele, no longer flesh and blood yourself.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    E-motions = what MOTivates YOU --emotions are like indicator lights on the car dash, they tell us to move or stop moving.

    most emotions are based strictly on bodily functions, symbolized within the mind by specific sensations like hunger, thirst, happiness, etc

    the mind can, by manipulation of symbols, create emotions which are disconnected from bodily functions and related to goals and issues of self-image.

    JWs manipulate emotions by means of fantasy ideals implanted as benchmark standards. divation from these standards can cause real psychological pain.

    when a JW sees someone dis-fellowshipped or DA'd, they compare this individuals life to their ideal fantasy life and find them wanting, flawed, and worse, willfully violating the ideal and thus to be labelled as EVIL. JW ideal has contradictory aspects such as LOVE YOUR ENEMY which causes bodily conflict -- react with hatred or love at someone DA'd? the result if often a blank neutral look as there is no clearly allowable expression in the ideal. JWs are constantly at a loss as to what to do because the ideal they share is incomplete and fuzzy around the edges and so they desire to be told what to do in each and every situation--

    I was told by THREE seperate elders who were not in any converasion with each other that " I would NEVER presume to think I knew more than the GB" which I heard clearly as I would NEVER presume to THINK for myself...

    from the platform, I heard with my own two ears---- "NO independant thinking, that was the way of Satan!" what does that leave but DEPENDANT thinking? --see hypnosis.

    it seems to me that most humans scheme to get others to make avoid blame to avoid failing, etc... the decision makers are often paid well because no one else wants their job in the end.


    New Release for the 2008 Convention: GBorgs!



    Found this on another thread - THANKS WAC !

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