Hi folks. Been real busy but finally have time to reply to your great threads.
TULA- Good point you made. I had forgotten the witnesses used to reference that when talking about loyalties, that Adam chose Eve over God. I have had my older brother write that to me personally, that because I don't want to live up to my dedication to God, he said God is more important than family. Real sweet guy, huh?
JAGUAR BASS- Hey guy! Thanks for your response. I agree with you we have to keepour eyes open to peoples motives and cults motives. You are right, we shouldn't let emotions cloud our thinking ability, so we don't get duped by people. I do keep my eyes open too. That being said however , I don't think everyone out there has something out for me or is looking to use me. I feel some might like you said, and we have to watch for that, those that have ulterior motives. But I don't paint all people with the same brush. But you are right the cults like witnesses have a gang mentality, it's hard to leave a gang.
FREYD- I think Jw's need electric shock therapy . It might make them more sensitive emotionally, less robotic.
SUNSPOT- Excellent , excellent post! I agree with every word you said. I too have seen such utter inhumane treatment of people in the witnesses, it's unspeakable. Leaves you with your mouth hanging open. You are certainly right in your take on it seems the witnesses treat even inactive ones the same way they treat dfed ones. I've seen this and have experienced it myself. And they don't see how they act badly. they are brainwashed into thinking they are doing God and the org. a favor, by acting this way. I'm glad I got out too. Like yourself, I feel empathy now for anybody being abused anywhere. Peace out, friend.
LONG HAIR GAL- Being self employed, I too got many hangers on when I was a witness and saw a lot of takers too. Incorrectly people think you are rich when you're self employed and you are supposed to supply a job for every Tom, Dick, or Harry that asks. I enjoyed helping some get into their own janitorial business too, if they appreciated it, however I had to learn to see the difference between someone who wanted to work hard, or someone who wanted a handout.
AWAKE & WATCHING- Yes indeed AWAKE , I agree with you. How much real caring and love can witnesses have for people when they expect God to kill or destroy 6,993,000,000 billion people and just leave them alive? I don't call that love either.
DREAMER DREAMING- Aptly put by you. Essentially cultlike behavior as the witnesses have causes ones emotions to get confused and crossed up because of their bizarre wrong ways of treating humans. It goes against our inbred sense of right and wrong and real loving nature. I also agree with you in that I too used to hear elders say they would never claim to know more than the governing body! Weird! If the governing body tells all witnesses to jump off cliffs would they? Don't answer that question, because I know 99% would say yes! I agree! Thanks for all your comments. Good posts and thoughts. Keep them coming! I think we can get more interesting takes on this